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8/5/1995... I want to get out of here soon. In a couple of days, probably in 2 or 3... I'm scared... I'm scared of it... Whenever I get into my office, which happens to be right by 1006... it looks at me... serious... It freaks me out. I don't know why, but it looks at me like a hurt it, like I did somethings wrong, and it wants its revenge. I really want to quit... But Elliot won't let me... It won't let me... My coworkers need me, and that all makes me stay... I need to quit, and not how up to work, that's the end of it.

Catnap POV:

I wake up, in the arms of Pups, smiling as I stay there for a couple more minutes.

Eventually, we both wake up, and we go into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Once we do, we go outside and head to work. "Alright, we gotta do science and outdoor activities once again." Dogday says, looking up at me, and I nod.

Then, he suddenly gets a message on his phone... "Huh? I never get messages..." He says, and reads aloud, "Dogday, you and your friend need to come to the counselor's office... immediately." He says, looking up.

"Crap..." I say, and Dogday takes a big gulp.

Before work starts, we hurry and go into the big building.

As we walk down the hallway, I can't feel anything but guilt. I lead Dogday... I shouldn't have let him come, and now he's in trouble along with me.

We walk into the office. Guilt on both of our faces, but for different reasons.

"Take a seat. Now." The lady says, pointing at the two chairs facing her.

We both sit down, and I already know the lecture that is coming for us, since I've heard it a million times. "You guys snuck outside Playcare, on Dogday's day off. We don't give Catnap any work because the kids seem to do fine without him now. I won't be giving you any day's off Dogday. And, Catnap... This is about... let's see... sixteenth time being in this same office? I would never expect Dogday, the leader, be in here." The lady says, with a serious tone.

"And, you guys took Kickin'... We weren't harming him... too bad..." She says, chuckling.

"You guys are evil bastards, you know that right? You all captured us, took us away from real civilization, just to entertain some kids that their parents left them. I never had parents in my lifetime, they died when I was a newborn, both shot... dead." I say, "You take us away from the wilderness, just so you can torture us, give us all this work, and only pay us about 5 dollars per hour. Y'all are just some bitches..." I say, seriously.

"Well, if you want to be like that... We'll take you, and make you look like Kickin if you ever speak to me like that again." She says, "I can speak to you however I want, you cunt. I bet your dad never loved you, and your mother was a crackhead. Matter of fact, your sister probably abused you all while your brother was a drug dealer." I say, smiling.

"I don't care if I die, I don't care if I get abused, and I don't care if people like you get in my way, because I'll knock you all down in a matter of second... Just like dominoes." I say, finishing.

She looks at me, "You two are excused." She said, and I laugh on the way out of the door.

I look over at Dogday, and he was crying. "You okay Pups?" I ask him, "Why...? Why did you have to be such a jerk back there? And you know I don't like you swearing..." He says. "I'm... Sorry, Dogday. I just... got mad because people like her disgust me." I say, hugging him.

He doesn't forgive me, but he acknowledged my apology, which I'll take.

"Alright, we have to hurry, work starts in 5 minutes." I say, and Pups nods.

We go jog to the science room. We walk inside.

"Hey kids, how are y'all doing?" Dogday asks them, and everyone says good.

Dogday starts class of the usual way, later progressing into the real stuff. I decide to get closer to them, instead of sitting in the corner like a weirdo.

"Hey Catnap, do you know what 3+1 is?" A random kid with a booger and pencil sticking out of his nose asks. "What the... Ahem... Got something in my throat... It's 4 kid." I say, pretending to smile, and they go up to the other kid.

"It's 4, I told you I knew maff!." The kid says, "I literally saw you ask Catnap for help." The other says, "Nuh uh, that was a dream you had." The acoustic kid says.

I can't help but giggle a little.

After class, me and Pups walk out, smiling at each other for no specific reason... Just... Happy.

We run over to the field, racing once again. This time, I win! "Hah, you've gotten faster Catnap! Whew." He says as he wipes off imaginary sweat.

The... We'll just call him the gambler... comes up to me once again. "You know I'm going to win whatever you ask me." I say, laughing.

No, you are not... Because they are playing football again, and I've looked at the teams already! I bet ONE HUNDRED dollars... that the blue team is going to win." He says, and I look at him in shock.

"Are you actually serious? That's literally half your money kid, get lost." I say, laughing at him. "I'm serious... 99.9% serious..." He says, "What about the other 0.1 percent?" I ask, "That's the doubt of me losing." He says, with a mischievous face.

I immediately shake his hand. First quarter, the Blue team is up 14-7. My teams never down, not even once... "Dang it..." I say, shaking my head. Second quarter, Red team is up 28-21, yes!

"Evenly matched right now." I say to the kid, and he nods, focused on the game.

 Third quarter, blue team is up 42-28. How did they go up by 2 touchdowns? This game is rigged.

Fourth quarter, with 10 seconds left on the clock, the score is 42-35, my team is in the redzone.

"Come on... Please, I can't lose to a 12 year old." I say.

The QB snaps the ball, and back up, getting rushed by a defender. He throws it, and... HAHAHAH YES!

"WOOHOO!" I say, as the boy looks in shock. "It's not over yet! Score is 42-41, your team has to score a 2 point conversion." The boy says with a sassy tone straight from the movies. This kid is not the main character.

They step up the 2 yard line and snap the ball... PHEW!  WE GOT IT.

The kid frowns, immediately.

"Money?" I ask, as he hands it. "I got a lot more anyway, good game." He says, waving goodbye.

Dogday runs up to me, no questions asked.

"Alright, let's go home honey." I say, smiling. "There's another name." He laughs.

"I just love you... trust me I got a lot more up my sleeves." I chuckle.

We walk to Pups house and go inside. He makes some dinner for us, which I requested I made it, but he insisted he did.

He ended up making lasagna. "I haven't had this in forever... Thank you, by the way." I say, smiling, "Yeah, no problem." He says, grinning back at me.

We take turns taking a shower, and then cuddle each other in his bed, as always.

But then I remember something... August eighth... what was that voice talking about?

1249 words

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Hey again! Thank you all for reaching 961 reads for me! I love you all so much! And as always, see you next chapter! 

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