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Mirana kicks a stray pebble as she walks down the street, Tim driving slowly alongside her

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Mirana kicks a stray pebble as she walks down the street, Tim driving slowly alongside her. The woman keeps walking, ignoring him.

"You know where you are yet?" Tim asks and Mirana just rolls her eyes. "No? Then finish your story about why you became a cop"

"I told you, it's none of your business," Mirana rolls her eyes. "God, you're so much more fun horizontal"

Tim seems at a loss for words when a small truck honks their horn at the patrol car. Inside the car are three men who are singing along to the radio. Tim kills the engine before getting out of the car and walking over to the driver of the truck.

"Gentlemen, I have an honest question for you," Tim says. "Were you grown in a petri dish of stupid?"

"Please, I don't speak English,"

"Don't pull that crap with me," Tim snaps.

"What is wrong with you?" Mirana hisses before turning to the man with a kind smile. "License and registration please"

"So you're bilingual," Tim nods. "Tell him that it's immigrants like them that make Americans like you look bad. If it was up to me, we'd send them all back by catapult"

"No, I'm not saying that," Mirana shakes her head.

"Say it,"

"He said you should probably avoid honking at the police when your truck violates most state vehicle codes," Mirana says and the man nods.

"A word?" Tim asks and Mirana nods, moving to the side with him. "Do I strike you as a man who means what he says?"

"I suppose," Mirana sighs. "Let me guess, you speak Spanish too"

"Yes I do," Tim says. "So maybe you can explain why you changed what I said"

"Because what good comes from me saying that?" Mirana asks. "All that does is make the situation hostile. The only reason he honked his horn is because you made me walk"

Mirana snatches the driver's paperwork from Tim's hands, giving it a quick read-over before handing it back to the driver and wishing him a good day. Tim watches the car drive off, his jaw clenched before his glare rests on Mirana.

"I am your superior officer-"

"Look, I respect power hierarchies and everything," Mirana says. "But I'm not going to sit and roll over when you say things like that. You don't even understand how common it is to hear things like that. I understand I'm your Boot and whatever which means you get to mock and ridicule me but that I won't listen to. I don't care who you are"

"So that's why you became a police officer?" Tim asks.


"You've witnessed and experienced discrimination from the police so you want to change things," Tim says.

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