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Mirana groans when Isaac begins to cry in his crib

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Mirana groans when Isaac begins to cry in his crib. Tim rubs his hand over her back, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I've got him," Tim whispers. "Go back to sleep"

"I'm awake now," Mirana mumbles, sitting up and stretching. "Maybe if you walk with him in your arms"

"Colic is torturous," Tim mutters, scooping Isaac from his crib.

"We might have to invest in a white noise machine," Mirana says, following Tim into the living room. "Tea?"

"Please," Tim nods as he walks back and forth, gently rocking Isaac. "Chen's taking him tonight, right?"

"Yeah," Mirana nods. "She said it'd be good for us both to get a full night's sleep"

"Then I can stop sleeping in the car," Tim says as he pats Isaac's back.

"I'm thinking about coming off of maternity leave early," Mirana says. "I found a nanny, from an agency recommended by Wesley, his family used to use them, reasonably priced. Well-versed in early years care"

"Background check?" Tim asks and Mirana nods.

"All clear,"

"Good," Tim nods but his next sentence is interrupted when Isaac lets out a loud burp. "Wow"

"Give him here," Mirana holds out her arms and Tim hands her Isaac.

"I'll finish the tea," Tim says.

"Who's a gassy ninito?" Mirana coos at her son. "Just like his papi"


"Nothing, just teasing you."

Tim smirks, pouring hot water into the teapot, "You're lucky I love you."

"And I love you," Mirana replies, cuddling Isaac close as he settles into her arms.

"He's stopped," Tim whispers.

"Don't jinx it," Mirana hisses. "I'm glad the Chief hasn't delayed me in becoming a P2"

"I think you've done more than enough to prove you can do the job," Tim says. "You confronted a psychopath before going into labour, not many people can make that claim. Are we having this discussion because you've already made a decision?"

"Maybe," Mirana says. "I spoke to Grey, I've been cleared to return to full duty, Nolan, Jackson and Lucy have cleared out a small room so I can pump. I already met with the nanny and she's a lovely woman"

"And you're sure you're ready?" Tim asks and Mirana nods.

"I want to be there for the final thirty days," Mirana says. "I know Nolan got held back but we all went into this together"

"That makes sense," Tim nods. "But, Mira, you don't have to rush back into work. You've just had a baby, and if you need more time—"

"I appreciate that, Tim," Mirana interrupts, looking up at him with a grateful smile. "But I've had some time off already, and I miss being in the thick of things. Besides, with the support from everyone, I think we can make this work. We'll figure out our new normal."

Tim sits down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Our new normal sounds good, as long as we're all in it together."

"The nanny will be here bright and early in two days because then I am back to work," Mirana grins at Tim.

"You really want to get back to work don't you?" Tim asks.

"I love him so much," Mirana says, looking at the baby in her arms. "But I also love my job and how it helps people. Every minute we're out there, we're making it a better world for him to grow up in"

"You've got no quit in you have you?" Tim asks Mirana, letting Isaac clutch onto his finger.

"My mom always said I was scrappy," Mirana says. "That no matter what kind of fight life throws at me, I always emerge on top"

"I think she was right," Tim says, glancing at the mantlepiece above the fireplace.

The mantlepiece is covered in framed pictures from both of their lives. Tim with his sister, Mirana with her mother, a picture from Mirana's birthday with all of their friends, Tim, Mirana, Kojo and Isaac from a barbeque Sergeant Grey had hosted. 

In the centre of the mantlepiece is a picture of Mirana's mother, a wide smile on her face as she looks down at the small bundle in her arms. 

"La echo de menos," Mirana says softly and Tim looks at her. "More than ever right now. I wish she was here, she'd have adored Isaac and you. She'd have some strange remedy for his crying that we definitely wouldn't use"

"She'd be proud of you," Tim says and Mirana nods.

"I really hope so,"

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