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"Maternity leave soon," Lucy says to Mirana

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"Maternity leave soon," Lucy says to Mirana. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling like the couch and crappy TV are about to become my new best friends," Mirana replies. "And I no longer have to suppress my murderous feelings when people I barely know touch my stomach"

"Oh my god, people are doing that?" Lucy asks.

"If Tim's not around, yes," Mirana nods. "When he's around people tend to avoid me which works great"

"The brass wants us to increase our social media presence within the community," Grey informs all of the officers and Tim scoffs.

"We're cops, not influencers,"

"Like it or not, Officer Bradford, you're both," Grey replies. "A strong relationship with the public makes us all safer. So let's show them we're people, too. Get out there, take a few selfies. Yes, Officer Nolan?"

"Back in Foxburg, I knew most of the cops by name,"

"Because there were four of them," Nyla quips causing people to laugh.

"Five, but the number didn't matter," Nolan says. "It's just that they spent most of their time on foot. I mean, how are we supposed to take a selfie with someone when we're trapped in our shop most of the day?"

"That's a good point. We do spend too much time locked inside our shops. New plan. Everyone spends the morning on foot patrol," Grey says and Mirana's jaw falls slack as other officers groan. "Good one, Officer Nolan"

"You're dead to me," Mirana says to Nolan, glaring at him.


Mirana fans her face as she and Tim walk along the sidewalk, past a small cafe.

"I've got no problem with community engagement," Tim says. "Citizens play a vital role in policing. The more they like us, the more they help us"

"How you've grown," Mirana hums in amusement.

"Yo- Yo officers," A man exits the cafe and approaches them. "Uh, I got a legal question"

"Sorry, we're not real cops," Tim says. "We're extras. There's a movie shoot down the street"

"Oh. Cool. Thanks," The mn nods before turning to Mirana. "Congrats on the baby by the way"

"Baby?" Mirana asks with a frown before she gasps, pressing a hand to her mouth.

"I am so sorry," The man stammers. "Oh my god. I-"

"Just go," Tim says, jerking his chin towards the cafe the man came out of.

"Of course, sorry again," The man says before hurrying inside.

"Pleased with yourself?" Tim asks and Mirana nods.

"Extremely," Mirana giggles. "It's so much fun"

"Making people think they insulted you?" Tim asks.

"Yeah," Mirana nods, placing her hand on her stomach. "This diablo is allowing me to have so much fun. It worked on Smitty earlier"

Tim chuckles. "I swear, you're going to give our child a wicked sense of humour before they're even born."

"As long as they inherit your good looks and not your stubbornness," Mirana teases.

"You love my stubbornness," Tim grins.

"Maybe just a little," Mirana admits before glancing at her watch. "We've still got two hours?"

"You okay?"

"I'm pregnant and trekking around Los Angeles, of course, I'm not okay," Mirana huffs. "Oh look cookies!"

Across the street, a group of Girl Scouts has a table set up, selling cookies. A man runs past the table, grabs some boxes of cookies, and runs off, with Tim and Mirana in pursuit on foot.

"Police!" Tim shouts.

The thief runs out into the street and collides with a moving car. He flies headfirst into the windshield and is stuck with his head and shoulders inside the car.

"Control, 7-Adam-19. Requesting an RA unit," Tim says. "Palmetto and Mateo. Head verse vehicle. CT"

"He came out of nowhere!" The driver exclaims.

Mirana gets into the car, pulling on a pair of gloves as she begins to examine the man's injuries.

"That's an arterial bleed," Mirana says. "Tim, have you got anything I can use as a tourniquet?"

"No," Tim shakes his head.

"Here," One of the Girl Scouts says. "You can use this scarf and pen to make a tourniquet"

"Thanks," Mirana says, taking the two items before beginning to place the tourniquet on the man's arm. "Alright, that's stopped the bleeding for now"

"Do I get a badge for this?" The Girl Scout asks.

"That's not up to me," Mirana says, pressing her fingers to the man's neck as sirens fill the air. "Pulse is fast but that's probably adrenaline"

"Nine minutes, Lang? You guys are usually much faster than that"

"Bradford's your TO?" Lang asks Mirana who nods. "My condolences"

"He's not that bad,"



"You know Lucy Chen right?" Emmett asks and Mirana nods. "All this over a few boxes of Marsh Yellows?"

"Yeah," Mirana nods.

"Who made the tourniquet?" Emmett asks.

"Mirana's EMT trained," Tim says.

"But I made it!" The Girl Scout says. "Officer Mirana helped"

"Girl Scouts suck," Mirana grumbles.

"Well, excellent work!" Emmett says.

"It's almost like I trained for it," Mirana replies.

"Uh...help," The man groans.

"Tim, help me out of the car," Mirana says. "This is too low for a pregnant lady"

Tim nods and moves over to help Mirana out of the car before Emmett takes her place.

"Any chance you could give Lucy my number?" Emmett asks Mirana.

"I can give it to her but I'm not talking you up to her," Mirana says and Emmett nods.

"Fair enough,"

"You hurt her and no one will find your body," Mirana warns before she joins Tim.

"Was he flirting with you?" Tim asks as they jot down details of what had happened on their notepads.

"By asking for Lucy's number?" Mirana snorts. "If so, he is the worst flirt in existence"

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