Chapter 5: An Unexpected Surprise

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From no one's pov:

In the middle of the night, Alastor felt a hand hug around his waist. Him, being Alastor, was always sleeping with his eyes open, and had a kind of sixth sense due to his deer senses. He jolts awake at the unexpected touching and saw Lucifer, fully awake and slightly more sober, hugging him. Lucifer looks back at him, also surprised. He thought that the deer demon was sleeping already and didn't expect him to be awakened because of a simple hug. "What- What are you doing?" Alastor asks him, his voice no longer static like it used to be. Alastor sometimes loses his radio-like voice when he felt strong emotions, and this was no different. There were many emotions he felt in that moment, confusion, annoyance, sleepiness, strangely happiness, comfort, warmth, care, angry, he didn't know what to feel at all. Lucifer stares back at him, blinking back in  surprise, but he didn't retract his hands. "I didn't know you were awake." he replies, not minding Alastor's twitches as he cuddles up to him. "Go away." Alastor tells him off, his radio voice back, he knew that he would anger Lucifer if he pulled away, which could result to him being hurt, and he can't afford that because of his weakened powers. "No. I'm staying right here." Lucifer replies stubbornly, getting even closer to Alastor, basically pressing himself against him. "It's getting hot. You're already sober, go to your room." "I'm not sober yet, and I want to stay here." Alastor sighs. He never saw this side of the King before, but he wasn't going to complain. "Fine, one night." Alastor finally said. Lucifer was pleased by this and hugged him tighter. "Mph, you're right it's so hot here.." Lucifer says, letting go of Alastor for a moment to take his shirt off. Alastor turns around to see this and turns red as his hair before turning around again. "Put it back on." Alastor said in a low yet embarrassed tone. Lucifer smirks and hugs him again, "Aww, is my little deer flustered? Come on, you can look." Lucifer says in a flirty tone, still invigorated by the night's drinks. 

After a few minutes of hugging Alastor couldn't take it anymore and hides underneath the blanket, wanting to not look at the King's face. Lucifer chuckles and goes underneath the sheets as well, wanting to tease and flirt with Alastor more. Lucifer reaches down and touches Alastor's tail. Alastor of course, jolts at the sudden touch as his fists clench tighter around his pillow. Lucifer, noticing this, only smirks more and begins to caress the little fluffy tail gently. Alastor didn't know how to react to this and could only shiver in pleasure. Lucifer then decides to do something else with his other hand, he strokes Alastor's head, more specifically the inside of his ears. Alastor couldn't hide his emotions anymore and lets out a low moan from underneath the covers. Lucifer grins happily as well as he continues to stroke the deer. It continued like this for a while before Lucifer finally falls back asleep again, and Alastor also fell asleep again, in a much deeper sleep this time.


Taken from Angel Dust's pov:

I woke up the next morning having a terrible hangover. The last thing I recall was the drunk King of Hell gulping down his seventeenth bottle, gotta say, he's got a strong resistance to alcohol. However, it was kinda weird seeing him participate in things such as this. He almost never wants to do anything, especially when Alastor left temporarily. I sigh and get up, realizing I was on the couch, cuddled up against Husk's fluffy fur. I turn red at this, but I kind of enjoy it. I continue to nuzzle him gently until he wakes up and turns red as well. "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he shouts at me, red as a tomato as I laid on top of him, grinning. "But Husky.. You're the one who carried us both to the sofa in the first place!" I smirked, "Who knows what.. frivolous things we mighta've done last night?". Husk turns red at this and gets up abruptly, making me fall face-flat on the floor. "Awwh, Husky baby, are ya really leavin' me here? Waitin' for you on the floor?" I said in a flirty tone as I stretch out, accentuating my chest fluff. He turns even more red at this and walks off to the bar grumbling.

Later, I notice Charlie going out of Vaggie's room. She looked horrible, it seemed like she really didn't handle alcohol too good. Seeing this, I thought up of a devious plan to cheer her up and also annoy Alastor. "Heya Charles!" I call out to her, my tone cheery like I didn't have a terrible headache five minutes ago. "Mmf, Angel, it's too early for nonsense.." she replies in a drowsy voice. "How about we play a little prank on Alastor?" a smile appears on my face, full of cunning and mischievousness. "Ya' know, to got back on all the times he's had us worried?" I look at Charlie, who looked convinced, "Oh, sure then! What do we need?" she asks, voice full of excitement now. "Oh this is going to be soooo fun.. Goodluck Al." I thought to myself as I begin to explain the plan to her. We were going to both shout loudly to Alastor until he wakes up, just to make up for all the little pranks they couldn't play on him when he left for a while. 

We both sneakily walked up to Alastor's room, careful not to make any noise. As I pushed open the door, it creaked ."Fucking Satan! Of all the times to make the door creak.." . I thought to myself as we both sneaked inside of his room. Alastor's head was sticking out of his blankets, and Charlie seemed to have noticed something. "Hey Angel?" she whispers to me, "What?", "I just notice that Alastor's hair is messy right now. And he never  has bed-head." we both look at each other in confusion. "Huh? Al never gets bed-head? Lucky him, even a star like me needs a good brush before I look normal. That's pretty weird though, if he always has such perfect hair, why is it so messy now? Speaking of which is he blushing?!" I think to myself as I notice the deer demon's face, which was red as a strawberry. "Hey Charles, is he uh- blushing?" Charlie looks at Alastor and her mouth drops open in shock as well. "OMG! What did you think he was doing last night?" I shrug at her words. Alastor had gone upstairs to his room way earlier than any of us did last night, and on top of that, he never blushed, never. Even when I showed him porn, all the reaction that I got out of him was disgust and angry glares. How come he was blushing?


[Author's note. You should really watch the video right about now. It's really quite funny once you get to know the context.]

Me and Charlie proceeded to nod at each other, not caring about anything anymore. What was fun about this was the prank, not some stupid, never-before-seen expressions. We then both yelled at the same time.


It was really loud, and we were pretty sure that we broke a few glasses downstairs because of the sound of broken glass and Husk's grumblings. We then both giggled, the plan had succeeded, and the next best thing was coming up, Alastor's reaction. It was always funny seeing him slightly grumpy in the morning. But what we didn't expect is for a figure to move from beneath his blankets and suddenly sit up. There emerged Charlie's father, King of Hell, shirtless, in Alastor's bed. "What the fuck man?" he asks, holding his head in his hands. He had a really bad hangover now that the effect of alcohol was gone, and me and Charlie's shrill shout didn't exactly help his nerves. I was really, very surprised, "Did- did Alastor really just sleep with the King of Hell?" I think to myself as Lucifer slowly turns his head towards us, eliciting more screams to come out of my mouth. Charlie, who hadn't turned around yet, didn't see that her father was in bed with her executive producer. I grab Charlie by the shoulders and push her out of the room, "Haha, we're very sorry to bother you.." I nervously apologize as I close the door.

Charlie looks at me, clearly confused. "Angel, what did you see? Why did you scream? Did he scare you?" she asks me. I look into her big, innocent-looking eyes. I sigh. I can't just ruin the innocence of a child as pure as this right? "Charlie, he's very scary when he wakes up. It seemed like- like he had a bad dream! Come- come on now. Let's go to breakfast, yeah, yeah, breakfast.." I replied nervously, stuttering to come up with an excuse as I dragged her back downstairs towards the kitchen. Charlie tries to stop me, "Wait, I gotta go wake my Dad. He doesn't usually wake up unless its very loud noise-", "You don't have to worry about that." I interrupt her, a bead of sweat falling down my neck. Charlie looks at me, even more confused, but decides to let it go.


I wake up, "It might have just been a nightmare, yes just a nightmare." I thought to myself. Suddenly, I let out a small screech as I felt my tail being grabbed, "So, you're awake now?" Lucifer asks, I turn around to look at him before turning back around again. "Shit, I forgot he was still shirtless." "Put your.. shirt back on. It's displeasing to look at-" I was interrupted by Lucifer stroking my tail, making me shiver. "Hmm.. How adorable to see the terrifying Radio Demon shivering just because of a simple touch." he says in a teasing tone. "Shut up.. you're sober now, you should get out before anyone sees us.." I hiss at him in a low voice. I jolt as I felt him hugging me again, "No way, I'm having the worst hangover ever. I am not getting out of bed.". I sigh, this was getting embarrassing and annoying as time goes on. "Sooo.. are we a thing now?" he asks, "I.. guess you can say that. But I don't want others finding out ok?" I reply, and a happy grin escapes his mouth as he hugs me closer. 

Another Way for Me to Reach You ⟫ Lucifer x AlastorKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat