Chapter 19: After-Effects

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Shortly after the party, Angel and Husk were in Husk's room, passed out and sleeping. They were bound to have a terrible hangover the next morning because of all the liquor they consumed. Charlie and Vaggie were in bed besides each other, also having drank a lot but not as much as Angel and Husk. Nifty was also in Angel and Husk's room, laying on the bed. She was carried there by Angel since she was also so drunk and might kill Adam when she sleepwalks. Adam and Lute were on the sofa downstairs. Adam drank the most after Lucifer while Lute only consumed a little that she wasn't drunk. Adam was laid on the sofa, taking up all the space while snoring loudly, Lute was on top of him, cuddled up. Cherri had left in the middle of the party since she had to leave because someone accidentally set off her bomb collection. Meanwhile, the two were in Lucifer's room.


Alastor woke up with a pounding headache and terrible back pain. His eyes suddenly widen and he lifts the blanket, seeing that he had nothing on. He looks to the side where Lucifer was sleeping peacefully, his body riddled with bite marks. Alastor blushes red as he remembered what had happened last night. "Fuck.." he mutters under his breath as he snaps his fingers, a robe appearing on his naked body. He then gets up to get his usual morning coffee. However, as soon as he lifted himself from the bed and started to walk, he fell face-flat on the floor. Aroused by all the noise, Lucifer also gets up and sees Alastor on the floor. He chuckles before getting out of bed to help Alastor up, "Sleepy now aren't we?" he asks him playfully as he helps him lie back on the bed. Alastor snarls as his ears fold back, "It's because of your stupidity you wretched little duck. I can't even walk." Alastor replies, embarrassed by the humiliation. Lucifer laughs heartily, wiping a tear from his eye as soon as he finished. "Well, well, look how much you cower while beholding his highness's power!" Lucifer announces, hands on his hips as he boasted in front of Alastor. He of course got annoyed with him and pulls the covers over his head, hiding his embarrassment. "I hope you have the worst day ever.", "I wouldn't care, I had the best night! Especially with your little deal!"Lucifer stretches, a few cracks sounding. "I hate you. You even used your demon form for such a mundane reason.", Lucifer laughs in his face, "You can't tell me you didn't want it.". His face turns red and his ears fold back further, "Get out." Alastor tells him, "What?", "Get out!". A tentacle opens the door and another picks up Lucifer, he frog-blinks before he was tossed out, the door slamming behind him. "Hey! You deer piece of shit, let me in! This is MY room!" he knocks forcefully against the door, pulling against it but receiving no response in return. He huffs before going downstairs to get himself some breakfast. He pulls his own robe on, hiding the bite marks that were scattered all over his neck, chest, and back.

Lucifer walks down the stairs, finding Adam and Lute snuggled up together. He hides his giggles as he sneaks around them into the kitchen. Lucifer knew he could definitely blackmail Adam about it later. He gets his apron on and some flour out and began to mix some batter to make his morning pancakes, no salt. After a while, Charlie comes down, stretching and yawning, followed by Vaggie who was all but pleasant on mornings, especially now that she had drank a lot last night. "Hey dad! You umm.. look a little worn out from last night?" she comments, Vaggie slumping onto a nearby chair. "Oh it was nothing sweetie, bit stiff but I'm fine." she nods before looking around. "Where's Alastor? He'd usually already be awake at this time.. I wanna ask him to do something..", Lucifer's face blushed golden slightly before turning back to his pancakes. "Well, maybe he's also worn-out.. Yeah, you don't need to worry about him.. You don't need to think about him at this hour." he waves his hand, acting all annoyed. "What is it that you want to ask him anyways?", "If he could make breakfast.. wait- something smells good! What are you cooking dad?" she asks enthusiastically, rushing over to see what her father was cooking up. "Just some pancakes applepie, how was last night?", "It was great! Definitely one of the better parties we've had at the hotel!" Lucifer chuckles, setting the finished pancakes on the plate. "Well that's great, how about you guys wake up the others for some pancakes? Wouldn't wanna miss them!" Lucifer tells her proudly, showing her the perfect pancakes, "And no salt added!". Charlie grins as she recalls the last time Alastor made pancakes, her father wasn't too pleased. "Actually, me and Vaggie are going to Rosie and Carmilla's for tea today. Maybe you can share it with the others?" Charlie replies nervously, unsure of how her dad would react. "Oh, yeah sure! It'll uh- be right here when you return!" he laughs, trying to hide his disheartened tone. "Thanks dad!", she turns to Vaggie who had fallen asleep again while sitting on a chair. "Come on Vaggie! It's time to dress up!" she pulls her girlfriend, "Wh- what..? What's happening..?" she mutters sleepily as she was dragged back upstairs.

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