Chapter 9: A.. Visit?!

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From no one's pov:

A week after the successful meeting with the Angelic Council, Charlie was celebrating all week with her two dads. Well she thought of them both as dads, but she knew they'd never get along. She had seen them together many times but they were always arguing, and in the morning she couldn't find her father anywhere.

It was good and all until.. an angel arrived.

It was spotted by Angel when he was on his way towards the hotel. His eyes widened at this and he immediately rushes in to inform the others. "Uh- HEY GUYS! THERE'S A FUCKING ANGEL AT THE DOOR." He yells out as soon as he was inside. "Yeah, no shit. You're standing right there." Vaggie replies. "NO I MEAN AN ACTUAL FUCKING ANGEL. WINGS." Vaggie's eyes widened at this and she grabbed her spear. Suddenly Charlie walks over, noticing all the commotion. "Umm, what's going on? Why's everyone screaming?" she asks, looking from the panicked Angel and armed Vaggie. "Charlie, there's a fucking Angel at the door." Husk replies, his head emerging from behind the counter. "Uhh- yes. I see Angel standing right there-", "NO NOT ME AN WINGED HOLY ANGEL." Angel shouts out. He was getting annoyed by everyone mistaking him for the actual holy being standing outside their door.

"Greetings everyone." A holy voice sounded from beyond the door. Angel screamed and fell down, jaw hanging, he didn't actually think that it would be there to visit the hotel. He got up and pulled out multiple guns from who knows where, while Vaggie readied her spear. Charlie meanwhile, was trying to calm them down. She pushed Angel's guns away while she lowered Vaggie's spear. "Um- hello. Can I ask why you are here?" she asked the angel politely while Vaggie and Angel were glaring at it. "I've come to deliver a message from heaven." at this, Charlie's eyes lit up and Angel and Vaggie finally lowered their weapons. "Is it about the meeting?!" she asks enthusiastically while the two behind her hid their weapons. "Yes actually.", "Well don't just stand there, come in!" Charlie says, excitement filling her voice as she motions for the angel to come in.

While all of this was happening, Lucifer and Alastor walked down the steps only to see an angel sitting on the couch. They were both surprised, but Lucifer was more on the angry side while Alastor was more on the nervous side, though his smile didn't show it. Charlie walks towards them, "Dad, Al! He's here to driver a message after the last meeting!" she tells them in a raised whisper. "Oh in that case-", Lucifer's mood lightened up as he begins to walk towards the angel, he at least had to look good to properly support his daughter's hotel. "Welcome, welcome." he greets the angel in a jolly voice. "Just spit out what those stupid bastards said above and get out." he continues in a hostile tone. The angel smiled nervously, "I um ah- Her Holiness Sera is coming with Emily to 'inspect' your hotel. She said she wants to see why the Speaker Angel agreed with Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Hell." he announces in a slightly nervous voice. Raised eyebrows were present all around the room. "Oh." Lucifer replies. "Well- That will be all, thank you for having me." with that, the angel stands up, bows to them all and flies out.

"Huh." was all that Lucifer could say. "DAD DID YOU HEAR THAT?!?! THEY'RE COMING!!!" Charlie shouts out in joy while jumping up and down. Angel Dust and Vaggie were in the background, utterly confused by what just happened. "Speaking of which- where is Al and Nifty? We kinda need them to clean the hotel up.." Charlie says, calming down. Lucifer looks around, where was that damn deer? Earlier he was walking down the stairs with him, where had he gone now? Just as they were about to look, they noticed a movement of  red right by the kitchen doors as Alastor peeks out from behind. "Pardon, but has that blasted thing finally gone?" his ears were folded back as if in annoyance. Lucifer laughs at him, "HAHA, who would've thought that scary Bambi over here was scared of angels?" he asks in a teasing tone. Alastor comes out, his ears still folded back while his smile appeared strained. "At least I don't present myself as a clown to others.", "Why you little bitc-", "Dad! Stop fighting with Al! You keep on fighting with each other even when I'm not around!". They both turned around at this, "What do you mean sweetheart? We never fight haha.." Lucifer speaks up in a hesitant and suspicious tone. However, Alastor looked completely calm and composed, "We don't fight darling, we mostly ignore each other." "Then why do I always hear the bed creaking upstairs huh?" she questions them in an investigative tone. They both share an awkward look while Angel had to hold his mouth with all his arms to prevent himself from laughing. Vaggie was looking at them with her jaw hanging, and Husk? He was passed out again after drinking while they were all talking.

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