14 : The pink goo

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"You are my favourite feeling."

"ANDDD....THE PANTHERS TAKE HOME THE WIN!!!" The commentator announces from the speakers, cheers erupt the stadium as Wyatt jumps on top of me.

"WITH CAPTAIN LUKE BECKETT SCORING THE WINNING GOAL" more cheers shake the arena, All my teammates come up to us and slap my back - I wouldn't be surprised if I got home and my whole back was red -.

"Good game Son" coach says smiling at me which is a rare sighting.

I'm practically beaming as we enter the locker room, tonight was the best I've played in a long time.

Hockey has always been something that regulates my mood, if I had a shit practice I would be grumpy, if I had a good practice I would be somewhat happy.

My life revolves around hockey, at some points I think about quitting. About finally getting away from it all, maybe flying to another country and starting a new life.

But hockey isn't just a hobby to me, it's so much more, it's always been so much more.

Something that brought me my found family, something that tore my biological family apart.

"You coming out with us to celebrate?" Wyatt asks while he winks at a few puck bunnies we pass as we make our way out of the stadium to the car park.

"Can't, got private practice with Eli in the morning" I say as Wyatt groans,

"You're such a bore" he complains, I'm about to tease him about how much he would miss me when we swivel into the car park and my gaze catches his.

My father leans against my car with his hands in his pockets and a stone cold expression on his face, Wyatt shifts uncomfortably next to me making me wonder how much he fears my father.

None of my team know anything about the truth, they all just know the rumours which probably makes him even more scarier, not knowing if
It's true or bullshit.

I pat Wyatt on the back one last time before we part ways to our separate cars, my jaw ticks with each step I come closer to him.

"You messed up your pass to #77 in the first period" is the first thing he says to me with no hello or hi not even a nod, I roll my eyes at his greeting.

I open my trunk and stuff my hockey gear inside closing it with a loud slam.

"How many games have you lost this season?" He asks still not leaving his side by my car,

"One" I reply fighting back a grin, the guys have worked hard this season and I'm proud of it, I don't expect them to win every game but I expect to see their best.

"Too many" he ticks, I slide into the drivers seat of my car leaving the windows open so I won't get another shouting from him about how I just ignored him.

"The scouts are everywhere this season, if you want to go to the bruins-"

"I'm not going to the bruins" I cut him off grinding my teeth. The Boston bruins is where my father was meant to end up but then he got his girlfriend pregnant with me and she demanded that he was apart of my life. Worst decision she ever made.

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