43 : The letter

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"Did I deserve it?"

I trip over a non existent object for the fourth time today as I walk towards the building where my class is. Brushing it off, reminding myself that screaming out loud is not socially acceptable.

I feel like I've been through hell, fuck that I look like I've been through hell.

This year was meant to be a reset, my senior year. Last year of school for the rest of my life, I should be overjoyed. But I feel nothing, nothing. I've spent days trying to feel anything, but absolutely nothing.

I know why, I'm suffering from being a victim of Luke Becketts heart. Fuck him.

Straightening my hoodie, I continue my march towards class. Focusing on the music playing in my AirPods instead of the people staring at me.

"Nice to see you back, Ms Myers." My eyes unfortunately land on Professor Craig when I step foot into the classroom, I give him my best fake smile as I walk up the stairs to my desk at the back.

"Hey Lizzie!" Taylor greets me from the row in front,

"Hey" I smile, settling down in my seat and pulling my AirPods out, I scroll on the messages on my phone ignoring the ones from Gracie and my mum asking if I'm okay.

I'm halfway through replying to Archies message when Taylor finally says something that makes me look up,

"-I heard about the fight, didn't Luke look hot though. He should be in a porno." Taylor says sweetly, I lower my phone to the table looking around to make sure I heard her correctly.

"Sure" I try my best to tug a smile,

"Becca really wants a chance with him, you wouldn't mind that would you. I mean he's obviously in another country now but long distance is a thing." Taylor chuckles, the familiar feeling of jealousy stirs in my stomach.

"Oh yeah absolutely." I hum feeling completely out of it,

"I'll let her know, plus I mean your the hottest girl in the grade you could take someone else." She winks, turning around as Mr Craig starts hushing the class.

I look around the class trying to locate Levi, I haven't had the chance to apologise to him yet and it's eating at me. I know he got it pretty badly, I heard a rumour that Luke broke his nose.

"Quick recap, bile emulsifys-" Mr Craig gets cut off by the sudden arrival of Levi, rushing through the classroom with one black eye and a stitch on his cheek but thankfully no broken nose.

"Sorry." He groans, locking eyes with me before he takes the stairs two steps at a time towards my row.

"Look Levi I'm really sorry about the whole fight thing and-" He cuts me off by swatting an opened envelope on the desk,

"What's that?" I ask,

"Read it." He whispers,

"I'm really really so-"

"Lizzie, read. It." He hisses so I do as told and turn the envelope around but freeze as I read the name signed at the front.


"What in the hell?!" I turn to look at Levi who just sighs,

"I wasn't going to give you this because, well- I like you Lizzie. But it was either this or watch you mop around everyday-"

" I do not mop." I cut him off,

"Let me finish. Anyway, but if you read this and don't feel anything. Let me know." He winks, I look at him for a moment longer before pulling out the letter folded up inside the envelope.

His handwriting is the first thing I see, the gradual sloppiness of it as it gets closer to the end.


I know your name now. You're the guy who was at the bowling alley. I'm sorry about your face by the way, actually forget I said that because I'm not. I feel absolutely zero remorse. I don't know you, but I know that you have feelings for Lizzie. Which makes me want to rip your head off.

I love her more than anyone could, I love her more than this fucking life. But what you said was true, I made her cry, I caused that. And it rips my fucking heart out to know I caused pain on her.

Im writing you this so that you don't do that if you end up asking her out, because she deserves to be worshipped and if you can't give her that then fuck off.

She loves watching Disney movies, no matter how bad it is sit through it because it will make her happy. She hates wearing her glasses, she thinks she looks ugly but you and me both know that she is inhumanely beautiful so remind her.

She adores her family, she needs to be covered in the blankets before she goes to bed else she will get nightmares, She loves notes and the colour pink. She is the worst dancer but she looks insanely cute doing it so encourage her.

If I ever hear that you physically hurt her, I will fly back and tear you apart.

I fucked up, and I lost her. If she gives you her heart, don't ever fucking break it.

Don't let her see this, she doesn't need more reminders of me.

Luke Beckett.
Vancouver, Canada.


GUYS THE NEXT CHAPTER IS THE LAST ONE😭😭 ( not including epilogue or bonus chapters )

I'm so sad, I absolutely adore these two🥹

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