21 : Yes

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"I saw sparks"

"Not interested, sorry." I say lightly trying my best to reject this girl in the nicest way, she doesn't seem much of a puck bunny more like a girl just trying to fuck someone.

"Oh come on" she whines as one of her fingers moves around on my biceps, I look up taking in the bodies crowded around us and how much times it's going to take to clean up their mess in the morning.

Fuck Wyatt for wanting so many people at his birthday party.

"I've been told I suck like a Hoover" she purrs while blowing a raspberry, I try real hard not to laugh but I can't hold it in.

"I bet" I chuckle trying to remember her name Ashlin? No she looks like Riley. She's got a cool vibe going for her with her black hair and blue tips and if I wasn't so obsessed with another girl maybe I would've given her a second look.

Movement from the corner of my eye causes me to look up just in time to see a flash of blonde walk away, she's here.

"You know her?" Riley or whatever her name is asks me,

"Nah" I lie reluctantly knowing it's what Lizzie would've wanted. I look to where she left from and am met with a hard glare from Wyatt, I shoot him a look that's says 'what?'.

My body is telling me to go after her, all I want is to go after her and look at her but I'm stuck here with a girl who keeps feeling me up without my consent.

"She really gets on my nerves you know, she's just so nice all the time, and beautiful like how can someone be so stunning. It's annoying, she just gets everything handed to her." Girls name I don't know says causing my attention to go back to her at the mention of Lizzie.

"I've got to go" I mumble a goodbye before stalking off in the direction Lizzie disappeared to, a frown lands on my face when a arm wraps around my wrist.

"What you playing at?" Wyatt snaps at me,

"What the fuck."

"You can't have your cake and eat it man, stop playing with her feelings or someone is going to swoop in and steal her." He continues, I want to punch him, I want to punch him so bad.

"Where is she?" I demand.

"Left when she saw you flirting with that girl. Man up asshole."

My heart goes sour when I register what he said, she thought I was flirting.

Without a second word to him I walk off through the house looking around in hopes to see her, the dancing bodies make it challenging but I'm determined.

When I finally reach the last room in the kitchen I see her, she's in the corner with watery eyes, her golden hair cascading down her shoulders while the black dress she's wearing hugs her perfectly.

She's perfect.

A scowl etches onto my face when I notice a loser cornering her, without my mind catching up to what my body is doing my legs lead me over to her.

"Lizzie." I breath out when she looks at me with her big brown doe eyes, my scowl doesn't leave me face as I look at the guy standing way to close to her.

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