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(This is when Alastor is in Cannibal Town)

Lucifer walked around the hotel trying to find Alastor. He wanted to thank him again for helping him feel better. He saw Husk I his usual area at the mini bar so he decided to ask if he knew where Alastor was.

"Hey, Husk do you know where Alastor is by any chance?" Lucifer asked.
Husk looked at him confused before he nods. "He went to Cannibal town, to talk to an old friend of his." He answered.

"K, thanks!" Lucifer thanks before disappearing instantly leaving a trail of confetti before it disintegrated.

He reappears in his room now walking around trying to think of somthing he could give to Alastor that's not too much for the radio demon to get annoyed or hate.

He flopped down on his bed still thinking before getting an idea.


Alastor arrived back in the hotel. Still thinking about everything, while making his way to his room.
He stopped right at his front door seeing their was a small box on the floor
He picked it up, confused too see someone left this at his door.

He made his way to his room, closing the door as he sat down on his bed staring at the box that was now on his lap. Deciding if he should open it or not.

In the end he slowly opened it just to flinch, as a bit of confetti flew out before disappearing.
He saw their was a note, he Picked it up reading it.
'Thanks for helping me out Bambi! I enjoyed our little small talk it was nice, so I made you a little gift. I know it's childish. but at least it's not technology!

From Lucifer𓅭' the end of the note had a small duck drawing that made Alastor smile softly. He looked in the small box pulling out a duck but this one was different.

This duck looked just like Alaster. It even had its little cane and antlers. Alastors smile grew, his deer tail wagging happily.
Liking the small gift he placed it on his counter while also keeping the note in the drawer to keep it hidden.

He layed down on his bed, hugging his pillow tightly. 'Do I really like him? I'm supposed to be feard, and cold. not soft...' Alastor looked at the counter seeing the duck version of him. His face getting all flustered up again he groans annoyed at himself.
Hiding his face in his pillow again. The demons ears slightly down.

He kept cursing at himself for acting like this. He hated this stupid feeling but he liked it at the same time... He was scared of feeling this way if anything he didn't know what to do.
Sure Rosie gave him the answer to his problems, and he admitted she was probably right. But, he didn't know how to deal with it exactly.

Alastors ears perked up hearing somone knock at his door.
He walked over to open it to see no one before seeing a top hat. He smirked looking down at the short king, who was looking up at him with a nervous smile. "Hey shortie~ what do you need?" Alastor teased while secretly his insides were feeling like somthing was hitting him hard in the guts.

"Charlie called wanting me to tell you she'll be back in a week." Lucifer informed sounding a bit hesitant.

"That's it anyways ima leave since it seems you were busy." Lucifer instantly said after, not having the motivation to keep communicating which made Alastor chuckle amused.

As he saw the king about to leave Alaster stopped him.
He took a deep breathe before he spoke. "Thanks for the" Alastor said looking away embarrassed.

Lucifer smiled excitedly. "YOU LIKED IT?!uhh.. I mean... was it alright?" Lucifer asked blushing slightly from his sudden burst of energy.
Alastor nods still a bit embarrassed. Lucifer noticed Alastors small tail moving a bit. He smirked as he decided to tease the radio demon now.

"You look so cute when your tail wags~"Lucifer said suddenly appearing behind Alaster as he was about to touch the fluffy tail only to be pushed away by Alastors tentacles.

"Dang it, I was so close..." Lucifer whines, which made Alastor blush even more.

"G-Get out." Alastot grumbled using his cane to point at his door. Lucifer turned into a snake, slidering up on Alastors leg which sent a chill down his spine.
As lucifer found his way on Alastors arm. The snake having a playful expression.

"Nah, I think I'll stay longer!" He answered. While making sure he was secure on the radio demons arm.
Alaster growled a bit not liking the idea of being touched this much but at the same time he didn't complain. Having mix feelings about this.

"Fine." Alastor sat down on his chair while Lucifer stayed as a snake, still wrapped around Alastors arm.

"How long are you going to stay like this?" Alastor asked with a blunt look. Lucifer didn't answer resting his snake head on Alastors shoulder.

It was silent for a while before Lucifer finnaly spoke up. "Is it alright if I just stay like this while I sleep? Haven't slept well in a whole and your comfortable..." Lucifer mumbled with a sleep voice.

"Sure, just don't expect me to be staying perfectly still."Alastor mumbled, Lucifer hums in response, suddenly shape shifting into a small duck now resting ontop of Alastors head. Nuzzling in the demons hair.

'Can't belive I'm letting him do this shit.' Alastor thought to himself. 'But it feels nice, and he looks cute all- wait what? No he isn't.'

Alastors shadow appeard infornt of him making the shape of a duck with a heart around it. He blushed at that, wanting to fight with his shadow to never do that again, but didn't want to wake up Lucifer. The shadow moved around before petting duck Lucifer who was sound asleep.


It's been like 4 hours that Lucifer has fallen asleep and yet he still was.
'He must've really not gotten that much sleep during last week.' Alastor thought to himself.

5 Minutes passed and Alastor grew hungry so he went to the elevator heading to the kitchen as he looked around the cabinets to see his options. Being intupted by the sudden exaggerated gasp from the spider demon.

"Is that Lucifer? as a duck, sleeping on your head!?" Angel yelled surprised which Alastor quickly made him shut up, too not wake up Lucifer.

"No." He lied even though it was very obvious. Husk walked in, which Angel instantly grabbed the cats hand and started to shake him pointing at Alastor who was hating every second of this.

"Oh shit! See Husk I told you they were together look Alaster would never let someone do that!"

"We aren't together." Alastor glared correcting him.

"Looks like it to me~ Now who's top? My bets are on you Al just know you'd need some instructions on how to do it!" Angel playfully said. Earning a growl from Alastor.

"LIsTEn HeRe YoU PicE oF SHi-"

"Why are you guys yelling?" Lucifer asked still tired due to waking up. He flew off of Alastors head.
Shape-shifting back into himself. He rubbed his eyes, while looking at Angel confused.
Angel smirked about to answer

"well~ Al-"

"It's nothing! Don't worry about it." Alastor interrupted giving Angle a death stare. Which made Angel finnaly shut his mouth

"Fine.." Angel said giving up while he grabbed some chips walking off with Husk who was yelling at him for being like this.

Lucifer for blinked still confused not knowing what was going on he shrugs it off while making some chips appear infront of him.


I just realized that I kept talking about food in this chapter because I'm hungry but too lazy to get something to eat😪🤌🏻

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