Oh, duck𓅭

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Idk what to name this chapter so uhh yeah author struggles fr


Lucifer now had a huge smile on his face, he walked along side Alastor. This time holding the duck plush, Alastor bought for him. Lucifer hugged it tightly
Making it look as if the plushie was about to run off.

"You know, it's not going anywhere." Alastor reassures, amused to see Lucifer just carry it like a child.

"I know." Lucifer shrugs, "I just love it a lot. You didn't have to buy it for me you know? I could've gotten it myself."Lucifer mumbled embarrassed.

"I can return it if you want-" "NO!" He interrupted instantly. "I-I mean. No. I'm good, thank you..." Lucifer reassures quickly.

They were both silent now. Continuing to walk around some more. 'Good job Lucifer, you fucked up the moment again.' He thought to himself

Alastor on the other hand, was just trying to think of what else to say to stop making it so awkward all the time..And maybe even wishing he was still holding Lucifers hand again.

But alas he sucked at this too. Well, not really, just when it came to talking to Lucifer it was harder than he thought it'd be.

"Hey, Al?" His ears perked up, he looked over at Lucifer.

"Yes?" He asked. Lucifers face was slightly red as he looked back down turning his gaze away from him.

"Why exactly are you-" "My! Alastor, how are you? It's nice too see you here!" Lucifer looked over at the lady that ran over to Alastor, who had interrupted him.

"Rosie, I'm great. How are you?"

'Rosie?' Lucifer thought to himself starting to feel uneasy seeing this Sinner near Alastor..
But, he just stayed quiet not wanting to say anything just staring at both of the two talking. That was until Alastor looked over at Lucifer noticing the slight change from the short king.

He grabbed Lucifer placing him infront of him.

"Rosie meet Lucifer! Lucifer this is Rosie the one I told you about." Alastor said, his whole smile seemed to be glowing.

"Wow the Lucifer!?" She asked excitedly. "It's nice to finnaly meet you your majesty." Rosie said in a respectful manner as she bowed down. Lucifer just waved hi looking over at Alastor with a 'What do I say next?' Typ of face.

"So what brings you two here? Wait. oh, my stars! Is this the one you were telling me about Al? Come on Alastor I can see it now, you two!~ Oh, Dear, I must've ruined the moment." Rosie said. Lucifer looked over at Alastor confused, clearly acting oblivious.
when in reality he was trying to act dumb. Panicking on the inside as his thoughts started to go wild.
While Alastor was trying to get Rosie to stop talking. His face getting flushed with embarrassment.

'He likes me?' Lucifer thought to himself blushing at the thoughts swarming in

"I'm so terribly sorry. I'll leave you two be. enjoy your date boys!~" Rosie smirked winking at Alastor who was now as red as a tomato.
Rosie finnaly walked off to wherever she was going .

'Oh god. Why. Fucking hell. He knows, he knows, he knows.' Alastor couldn't bare to look over at Lucifer.
Feeling so much emotions all at once, along with Lucifer who felt the same. But was doing a better job at acting as if he didn't hear anything, just looking as if he didn't have a clue in he world what Rosie ment.

Lucifer took a deep breath. Glimpsing over to Alastor tapping his arm to get his attention. Regardless of everything.

"Hey.. we can go back to the hotel if you want." Lucifer suggested.

Alastor just stayed quiet.


Lucifer was now back in the hotel, an hour ago Alastor had already marched back to his room.
After what Rosie said, Alastor, hasn't said a word.

Lucifer just stood there in the kitchen thinking. And thinking, and thinking.

'He like me? No that's stupid! Him, Of all demons? Who's had a grudge against me from the beginning. Likes me?'

'I mean.. he didn't say anything on our way back. His face was even all red too. But what if I made him uncomfortable? God I should've said something to clear up this. He probably thinks I don't like him-"

"Ahh- Angel!?" Lucifer jumped back seeing Angel who was sitting on a chair this whole time.
He has also been watching Lucifer with a knowing smirk.
"How-how long have you been in here?" Lucifer asked.

"Long enough to know that somethings going on with you and smiles~" the spider teased. Lucifer blushed even more. "I don't know what you're talking about." He lied.

"It's obvious something happened between you two. Come on spill the tea!"

Lucifer just waved Angel off denying anything Angel would say. Angel was having enough he wanted to know already and it was getting annoying seeing the 2 having to be so oblivious to one another.

"Aww, come on! It's obvious he has a thing for you.~"


"When you two came back Al's face was so red, He was all flustered. Jesus, I wonder when you two will finally get together, and fuck. Like dude just hurry this whole love problem already." Angel just went on, and on.
Knowing damn well he was getting on the kings nerves but also getting him to start seeing how oblivious Alastor had a thing for him.

"Even if I did like him what's the point? I suck at talking or even trying to express some emotions so what's the point in even having another relationship again? Besides I have to think about Charlie." Lucifer sighs as he explains his perspective in this whole situation.

Angel Dust smiled taking a sip of his soda. "Well, in my opinion Charlie's going to be fine with it. I mean, she loves you enough to know you have the right to finnaly move on, she even approves of Alastor so why not?" Angel said shrugging, "Sure you may have some problems with expressing yourself but don't we all? Especially Alastor but look at him now! He's actually being all soft around you. I'm guessing he even bought that duck plush for you. Am I right?" Angel Dust asked.

Lucifer just stood there, impressed at how the advice Angel gave was actually great for once.

"Since when were you this good at giving advice?" Lucifer teased now smiling. Angel shrugs "Hmm, must be from spending time with Husk."

They both talked a while longer getting to actually know eachother a bit. Lucifer actually enjoyed talking to Angel sure that demon loved to make lots of sex jokes but sometimes they were funny.
When it wasn't a serious situation.

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