Chapter 2

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I wake to the smell of sympathy, also known as my mom's pancakes. She makes them on any sad occasion which as you can imagine, was cooked a lot in the week after my fathers death. I lie in bed, my eyes looking up at the material that drapes over my bed. I don't want to face my mom but I know that if I don't go downstairs then them pancakes will come up here. I sigh and rip the quilts off me in frustration.

I take my dressing gown off the back of my door and wrap it around me. It's new and extra fluffy, but smells like a shop. The best part of having a dressing gown is having your own smell on it, or the smell of your house. This house doesn't even have a scent yet, it still doesn't feel like it's ours.

I walk down the marble staircase and turn to go into one of the back rooms, the scent of pancakes getting stronger.

"Mom why are you making pancakes? I ask, entering the kitchen. She smiles at me, handing me a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning sweetie" She sings, ushering me to my seat. "I heard someone found their mate" She says. I can't tell whether it's sympathy of excitement in her voice. I didn't find my mate, He found me, unfortunately.

I take a sip of my drink "Mom, that's not a good thing. In fact, the guys an absolute jerk"

She tuts "Benjamin is a lovely man, he just doesn't deal with shock very well, obviously." I raise an eyebrow at her understatement.

"Benjamin" I say in a posh voice "Is not a lovely man and is far from it, what kind of idiot uses his mate for power?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"A lot of alphas. Your father rejected me at first" I wasn't quite expecting that.

"He did?"

She nods "Yep, I didn't even realise we were mates and he was scared so he panicked and ignored me. I only realised when being around him brought out my mating feelings" Her explanation confuses me.

I didn't even know that that's how it works. "So the more time I spend with him then the more I'll like him?" I ask her.

"Of course honey, you need to give it time, just like you give everything else time. It'll get better" Well, it cant get any worse. My stomachs doing flips at the thought of next seeing him, I wouldn't be surprised if he holds me prisoner next time.

I don't want to spend time with him for them feelings to grow. He's made it so clear why he wants to have a mate. He's old fashioned, an alpha that just wants a mate for power. He'd have more power than anyone if he mated with me and I know that the thought of it excites him. I don't want to give up my life as a witch, although I wouldn't be giving up my powers, Benjamin would want the pack to be our only focus, our only priority because alphas are selfish,it's the way they were born and the way they have to be raised.

She serves the plate of pancakes in front of me and I waste no time in tucking into them. "Any plans for today?" She asks me whilst I have a mouth full of food.

I shake my head, gulping down the full mouth of food that I had. "nope" I mange to spit out "probably just a run and then a lazy day."

"You're never going to meet anyone if you hide yourself away in here" she says. I shrug, meeting friends isn't the top of my priorities right now, I don't even know what is.

She remembers this town a lot more than me, I was only tiny When we last lived here and Emmy wasn't even born. "I don't think we fit in here" I tell her, not able to hold it back any longer.

She takes a seat in front of me, her eyes showing her concern. "Sure we do, you just need to give it time. you're practically Luna of this pack now"

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