Chapter 6

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I decide to park on my drive and walk to the pack house, getting some fresh air and a walk will be nice, especially as the leaves are covering the ground now. I tuck my hands into my plum duster coat pocket and begin to walk, my Dr Martens kicking the leaves like a child. I can feel a slight breeze coming through my tights and I'm suddenly regretting the decision of not changing.

I wonder how it may feel sometimes to be warm all the time like wolves, to never feel cold. I adjust the scarf that's wrapped around my neck and carry on taking in the fresh air of the evening. It's beginning to get dark, expected for this time of year but it doesn't make it any easier. I love summer, the feel of the sun on my skin, the light mornings and nights, everything in the summer just seems much happier.

I hear them before I see them and Nick is the first to call out. "I smell a witch" He sings.

I laugh as I come into view "I don't smell as strongly as you lot"

He rolls his eyes "Yeah, yeah, we know we stink"

We all begin to laugh and I look to Ellis and Maya who are on opposite sides of the circle. Maya and Ellis are winding each other up about the fight that's about to happen. I suppose a fight is a strong word, it's more of a challenge, a battle of strength.

"Okay, Arabella, you're the judge" Maya says.

I raise my eyebrows, looking from each person in the group "No, I can't be the judge I have a bet with Olly, it should be someone else."

She rolls her eyes "They're all on Ellis' side so it wouldn't be fair. Come on"She says, urging me to cominbetween them both.

All of them are dressed in a top and pants, no coats, no scarves, I feel almost overdressed. They're all so tanned, like it's hot all year round here. Maya looks ready to fight inher gym leggings and a gym top, her hair in a plait. I never asked whether these guys train together, I have no doubt that they do, especially with Ben as their future Alpha.

He doesn't look too phased by the fight, his focus is on me more than it's on them.

"Okay, after 3" I start "1, 2 3" I stretch my guard out to Maya and watch as her and Ellis circle eachother. Before I know it, they've gone into wolf form, their clothes tearing and their wolves growing, showing their teeth. I rush back, almost tripping up and being caught by Ben. I didn't realise just how big the wolves in this pack were, even the ones that aren't a part of the Alpha bloodline are huge! Maya is a grey colour, which is to be expected for the daughter of an alpha. Ellis is a brown with different shades of the colour running through his fur.

I'm surprised at their size and I hear Ben chuckling next to me.

"Big, aren't they?"He say"

I look to him briefly, my eyes focusing back on Maya and Ellis.

"Humongous" I respond, knowing he can hear me even with my head turned away from him.

I can hear him chuckling to himself and the fight soon gets knocked up a gear as Ellis lunges for Maya, Jace flinches through lack of faith in Maya. She takes her opportunity, fighting him to the ground and keeping him where she wants him, on the floor, on his back just like my vision.

I count down, we all do and just as I predicted, she's announced the winner of the strength battle.

We all start to walk away, leaving them to shift back and change into their clothes. I smile at Olly, grinning like a Cheshire cat "Unlucky Olly, maybe next time"

He sulks "Definitely next time."

I can't help but laugh and so do the rest of them. "You should never underestimate a female" I say, pointing at them all "Especially the Alpha's daughter"

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