Chapter 21

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I wake to the warmth and the smell of Ben. A smile instantly spreads onto my face as the memories from last night come flooding back. The soreness between my legs is the only thing telling me that it wasn't a dream. 

I turn towards Ben and watch as he stirs. His eyes flutter open and I'm caught in the act of admiring him. He smiles at me sleepily, his arm that's beneath me pulls me closer to him. 

"Good morning beautiful" He whispers, kissing my forehead as he pulls me into his warm, rock hard body. 

I can't believe that this will be my life now, no turning back, not with this mark on my shoulder. The mark is tender but it's not a pain that I'm regretting. This one mark on my body joins us together for life, no matter where I go, he's going to be with me. The thought is scary but exciting at the same time. Not only does this mark bond me to Ben, but the pack too. Everything I do will now serve them and I can't turn back now.

"How are you feeling?" He asks with a gentle voice.

I nod, snuggling into his chest "I'm great"

His eyebrows raise as his head shifts to look down at me "Great? Or are you just saying that to keep my ego intact?"

I laugh at his nonsense. "I mean I don't know much about it, but I'm pretty certain that it can't get much better than that"

He takes a deep breath "Oh Arabella, how I can't wait to spend forever with you and change your view on that"

I giggle. Forever does seem crazy when we say it. I'm just 17 and finding someone who you'll be with year after year just doesn't usually happen, not for my kind anyway. As much as I've loved blissfully ignoring the fact that we have to battle, I also realise that we have to begin working on a plan, and that plan can't just be thrown together. We need to be precise and I need to speak to Ben about the idea I had.

"We have a lot to do" I say, ruining the moment.

Ben throws his head back "Can we not just hide up here a little longer? We have forever to deal with pack business as Alpha and Luna"

I shake my head. "Nope, no hiding. This pack business can't wait."

He's shocked by my statement. Of course I was to stay in bed with him, especially after last night but there's a lot to do and we won't get anything done by lying here.

I try to stand but I'm dragged back down by Ben's huge arms. His warmth makes it so much more difficult to rise, along with his brute strength of course.

"Ben" I warn with a smirk.

"Five minutes" He pleads. I laugh at the optimism, giving in. This certainly won't take five minutes.

I make my way downstairs shortly after Ben. The decorations from last night are on their way out and the fresh breeze from outside is coming in thanks to the open door. I shiver slightly as I walk down the stairs, crossing my arms over my chest for a bit of warmth.

"Oh Luna, I'm sorry, I'll close that for you!" The house keeper from yesterday observes.
I frown. "Oh no, you can call me Arabella." I say as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

She's closed the door and walks towards me with a smirk on her face. "I wouldn't dare now that you're marked!" She says quickly "I believe a congratulations are in order"

My cheeks turn bright red. I didn't realise that the whole pack would know, especially not the housekeeper! I feel like my privacy has flown out of the window and I try to push aside the slight unease that's growing inside of me.

"Still-" I say, pausing. "Arabella is fine."

The last thing I want to have a sudden status now that I've lost my virginity. Isn't it supposed to be private when you've lost your virginity? I'd told Ben that I'll be grabbing breakfast before joining him in the study but I'm eager to address this situation.

My cheeks are still red and I try to say a polite goodbye to the housekeeper, although it doesn't quite come across that way. I took the mark on my shoulder, feeling like I'm dirty because of it. The mark looks like a fresh scar, it's a purple lining, sticking out slightly from the skin and as I touch it, I question how one scar, one mark and one night of pleasure can change my title here.
We've not announced it which would be the normal thing to do and suddenly the pack know before I've had time to fully digest last night and enjoy it with Ben.

I stop outside of his door, ready to burst in with my questions but the voices from inside stop me. I can hear Jeff and I listen out for Ben's heartbeat which is definitely in there now. His heartbeat is the same rhythm as mine now thanks to the mate bond. I've always found it bizarre how much changes when you finalise that mate bond.

"So they're in the prison, yes?" Jeff asks from behind the door.

I frown. Who are they talking about?

"Yes, the plan was successful last night and now I just have to think about how to tell Arabella." Ben responds.

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