Issue #65 - My Head Is Splitting Apart

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(Alexis POV)

Stellar stood above me, hands raised and ready to end my life. She stared down at me with a cold and distant gaze as her fists descended.

For a moment, she was replaced with Jason, above me and with a knife stabbed through my hand as he tried to slam it into my skull. And his was just like her's.

She wore that same expression he had back then.

Stellar was before me once more, her hands flying down upon me. Just like my spectral hand, I was about to be-

I gasped awake, staring at the ceiling. A loud and obnoxious noise rang in the back of my head while the front half of it painfully throbbed. I faintly noticed the ice pack which laid upon my head and the blanket that covered me up.

Fuck, I can hardly think...

I rubbed my temples, vainly trying to get rid of the horrendous headache which assaulted me. My whole body felt sluggish and slow, and I had barely even moved yet.


I thought my spectral hand was invincible.

But she went and ripped it in half.

What's happening to me? I don't feel any better than I did yesterday.

"Hey, you're up." A voice greeted. Jason stood there in front of me. "Anything I can get you?"

"Water..." My voice came out hoarsely as I realized just how dry my throat was.

Jason nodded, walking out of my view towards what I assume is the kitchen.

My lips were cracked and the roof of my mouth was annoying itchy. My throat seemed to painfully constrict with each breath I took, my body slightly shuddering.

I stared at the unfamiliar ceiling, the knowledge my current location failing for a moment. And then I remembered, we're at Siren's house, aren't we?

"Let me help you get up." Jason's voice entered my ear as I felt myself get lifted up. He sat down next to me, supporting me as I slowly sat up.

He handed me the glass of water, my hands clammy and shaky as I held the drink. All of the sudden the water felt more appealing than it ever had before. It was only a moment until I had downed the whole glass of water.

My throat loosened, no longer feeling so constricted as it just had. But my mind was still a mess, a jumbled collection of thoughts being thrown around by the pain my body felt.

I felt myself sink, leaning into Jason. The empty cup slipped from my fingers, only for Jason to luckily catch it. He said something but my brain couldn't register what it was as I felt my vision darkening and my body weakening.

And then once more I was greeted to darkness.

It hadn't even felt like a minute until my eyes were open again. The ringing was still in my ears and the oppressive headache still haunted my senses. Once more I felt like shit, even more so since whatever amount of sleep I had just gotten felt like absolutely nothing.

I stared at the ceiling, laying my head on the pillow that had somehow appeared inbetween my times of being awake. And then I suddenly realized there were people sitting in the living room.

Or more accurately to say, it was Siren surrounded by the other girls. They seemed engaged in whatever she was telling them, while Jason was nowhere to be found.

I also could've sworn I saw an odd tension between Aurelia and Siren, but at this point I think I'm starting to hallucinate.

I mean, after all, I'm seeing my spectral hand floating above me. I weakly pulled my hand up, trying to grab it, only for hand to pass straight through. After a blink it had completely vanished as if it was never there and I was sure that I was going crazy.

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