Issue #66 - It's Like One Big Messed Up Family

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I stared at myself in the mirror, worriedly holding the hem of my shirt. I'm about to pull this down and see so many marks from last night, and if any of the other girls see those...

Oh fuck, it'll be game over. I'll be done-zo!

I pulled my shirt off, wincing as I stared at my body. Only to then look in confusion as I realized my body looked completely normal.

Ah, right. Super regeneration.

No wonder the ones on my neck disappeared so quickly. Okay, okay, I've told y'all enough.

After getting ready for the day I entered the living room, where Eleanor had somehow found herself squished inbetween Hikari and Alexis on the couch. Both of the two were using her shoulders as head rests as they watched the television. She stared at me with a deadpan look, pleading for me to free her from her suffering through her eyes.

Connected to the living room was the kitchen, where Aurelia and Siren were making breakfast. Now the only person I haven't seen is-

"Master." A familiar voice suddenly spoke from behind me.

"Gah!" I jumped into the air, before turning around and seeing Sophie. "Shit Sophie, you scared me!"

She grabbed me by the front of my shirt, quickly pulling me into a kiss. She then separated it, nodding to herself in satisfaction, and sat down in the chair next to the couch.

I'm getting repeatedly kissed so much by these girls that eventually I know they're going to maul me. If any of them find out about last night, then you can multiply the mauling by sixty nine.

Eh, ehhhhhhh, get what I did there?

That's right, I'm hilarious. Thank you for saying so.

Oh please, stop, you're making me blush with all of this praise. A man can only afford so big of an ego, y'know?

"So..." I spoke up, looking back to the main couch. "...what did Eleanor do to deserve to be punished in this way?"

"You'd have to ask Hikari that." Alexis grinned. "I joined in cause it's fun to annoy Eleanor."

"You better lock your door and windows tonight." Eleanor warned.

"Uh huh, sure." Hikari replied, continuing to watch the television. "Oh hey, it's Frostbolt." She changed the topic, pointing at the screen.

"Another series of fires has been stopped by Frostbolt." The reporter spoke as a video of the incident played in the upper right hand corner of the broadcast. "The perpetrator for these arsons is unknown, but it is similar to those of a few months ago."

"It is also suspected that they may be connected to the Ashen Vigilante." Continued the reporter. "The aforementioned recently appeared this past month and is known for the disappearance of multiple corrupt individuals and the callsign of a jar of ash. Some theorize that these ashes are the remains of the corrupt individuals themselves."

"Those arsons weren't caused by the Ashen Vigilante." Hikari confidently stated.

"And you know, how...?" Alexis asked curiously.

Hikari raised an eyebrow. "Cause that's me."

"That's you?" Alexis gasped. "Well damn. Never thought the Ashen Vigilante would actually be a hero."

"I have a few surprises up my sleeves." Hikari smirked. "I am surprised though that none of you have brought up anything about me being a hero."

"If they did, I'd teach them a LESSON." Eleanor grinned.

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