Issue #71 - The Terrible Trio

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(Alexis POV)

"So..." Vermillion Waverson sat behind her desk, tapping her fingers across its wooden surface. Hikari and I were sitting in front of her desk in the guest chairs. I was in my suit and fedora while Hikari was dressed up in her ninja gear.

Hikari nervously tapped at the edge of her seat, where she probably thought no one would notice. I can't say I'm not surprised, considering we're back in the office that Hikari and Eleanor faced Wilson Waverson in.

The window and office had been repaired, and the room had been cleaned. But it still must've been unnerving to be here once again. Especially for Eleanor, but I have no idea where in this room she currently is.

Speaking of which, I heard that Hikari is the reason the window is broken. She flew a whole motorcycle through it! Do you realize how much I wish I could've seen that?! That's so damn awesome! It reminds me of the newest Crime-Man issue!

Ahem. Back on track!

In case this was some form of trap, we decided to be Eleanor's representatives. Shes been making sure not to stand out at any point, and thus thanks to her power she's gone completely unnoticed so far.

Actually, that means she might not even be here, we wouldn't know. I haven't seen her since we approached this building when she stopped bringing attention to herself. But we trust that she followed us here.

As for how we were able to get a private office with Vermillion was thanks to us knowing Eleanor's name. Considering Vermillion had kept it a secret, the only way we would know about it is by knowing who Eleanor is.

As in her relation to Wilson Waverson, not her being Bloodwraith.

I have to say though, I'm surprised she told her guards to wait outside. That's quite the ballsy move, considering she doesn't know what we're capable of.

And we are more than capable of ending her right here, right now.

"I have to say, I never expected the Alexis Cromwell to be close enough with her to come on her behalf." Vermillion stated.

"It's funny how things happen." I smiled. "I assure you, she's full of surprises."

"I have no doubt about that." Vermillion replied, looking towards Hikari. "And you are?"

"You can call me Kasai." Hikari replied.

Vermillion nodded. "Am I right to assume she has no intention of meeting me?"

"Unlikely." Hikari confirmed.

"I don't blame her." Vermillion sadly smiled. "Honestly, I'm surprised that she even had someone come on her behalf. What about her brother?"

"He's gone completely off the radar." I stated. "Probably has left the city by now. So an even less likely of a chance."

"I knew it was probably fruitless, but I still had to try." She stated. "I truly am sorry for what that man did to them. I had no idea. He kept them hidden because they weren't mine."

She sighed. "But that's not an excuse. Because even if I did know, I doubt I'd be able to do anything. The only reason I know now, and can do something about it, is because of his death and lack of a true heir."

"Honestly, either of the Elshers should've be on the next CEO of Waverson Corporation." She continued.

Hikari and I shared a glance of surprise.

"But no one knew they were his children." She stated. "I, myself, only found out when I gained access to everything he had access to."

"The amount of things he did..." Her hands tightened as she clenched her teeth. "...despicable."

Just An Ordinary Henchman (Yandere Superhero Harem)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora