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I the boss of  ##@*#*  branch 1 ordering everyone to start the final experiment.

Two bodyguards entered the stark room where Asta was held captive, their heavy boots echoing on the cold concrete floor. They paused for a moment, taking in the sight of Asta, whose clothing was nearly shredded from the relentless torture he had endured.

"Damn, this guy is so cute, he literally looks like a flat-chested girl," the first bodyguard murmured, eyeing Asta with a mix of amusement and incredulity.

"Can we f*ck him after he turns into a girl?" he asked, half-joking, half-curious, as he nudged his companion with his elbow.

The second bodyguard responded with a sharp tone, his expression stern. "Absolutely not! Raping is strictly prohibited," he reprimanded firmly, ensuring there was no misunderstanding about their orders.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." the first guard muttered, rolling his eyes but nodding in acknowledgment of the protocol.

He stepped closer to Asta, observing that he was indeed unconscious, which made their task somewhat simpler. "Looks like he's out cold. Well, that makes our job a bit easier," he commented dryly, ready to proceed with their assigned duties without further distractions.

They unlocked the chains and dragged him from the ground and took him out of the room.

Few hours passes...

Asta's eyes fluttered open as he was jostled roughly. His head throbbed painfully, a stark reminder of his grim reality. As his vision cleared, the all-too-familiar stark white walls of the room came into focus. He groaned, his voice raspy from disuse.

"Akh..akh.. huh? As always, the same freaking white room. Could've at least changed the color," he muttered under his breath, his tone laced with a weary sarcasm.

Lifting his head, he saw the scientist standing before him, that perennially unsettling smile plastered on his face. The man's appearance was as disheveled as ever, adding to the overall griminess of the situation.

"Man, at least take a shower. You stink," Asta quipped, trying to mask his discomfort with humor, though his voice barely carried across the sterile room.

The scientist's laughter echoed off the walls, a sound devoid of genuine amusement. "Hahaha... still joking after all these tortures..."

He leaned closer, his gaze intense as he observed Asta. "At least try to notice something, there are some changes in you," he said, his tone a mix of taunt and triumph, suggesting that the experiments had altered Asta in ways yet unseen.


A look of stunned disbelief washed over Asta's face, his eyebrows arching high in surprise as a cold realization set in. He patted down his body frantically, his hands searching for something that was undeniably missing.

"Wait... wait... wait... This can't be... this can't be..." His voice was a mix of panic and incredulity. "I can't feel... my little brother down there."

"You motherfucker, give my dick back!" he shouted, his anger peaking as he glared at the scientist with a fury only betrayal could kindle.

"I know you're into some magical crap, give it back, give it back now!" His demand was desperate, tinged with a raw edge of vulnerability.

"So noisy," the scientist replied coolly, dismissing Asta's pleas with a wave of his hand.

"This isn't the time to worry about your... appendage. We're moving on to the final phase of the experiment," he stated matter-of-factly, signaling the guards to prepare Asta for what was to come.

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