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They entered the grand hall of the royal palace, where the illustrious figure of the king of DARWITZ sat upon his golden throne, surrounded by a throng of nobles and royalties, their eyes alight with anticipation at the sight of the kingdom's hero.

"I am the king of DARWITZ kingdom, my name is Arnold S. Darwitz," the king announced, his voice carrying the weight of authority and wisdom.

However, despite the king's presence, all eyes in the hall were fixed on Scarlett, the person that was summoned with, the hero who had been summoned to save the kingdom.

"Why is everyone looking at me like that?" Scarlett wondered aloud, feeling the weight of the collective gaze upon her.

One of the nobles, an elderly lady in her 50s known as the Duchess of Florida, voiced her concerns. "My king! Do you think it is alright for this dangerous thing to roam around freely?" she questioned, her voice tinged with apprehension

'That old hag called me a thing? Damn this is discrimination.' Scarlett cursed that lady inwardly.

But before tensions could escalate, the king intervened. "Do not worry, Duchess of Florida," he reassured her. "She is tamed by our great hero, and even if anyone has a problem with her, we will decide by voting."

As the decision was put to a vote, it became evident that the majority of the men in the hall were charmed by Scarlett's beauty, while many of the women remained wary. In the end, the numbers were in Scarlett's favor, and the decision was made to accept her into the kingdom without further opposition.

'Sighh.. that succubus, she already charmed all the mens with her beauty, I don't know what if hero-sama also charmed by her.' old lady's expression filled with anger and apprehension

As the king addressed the hero, he explained the purpose of his summons: to defeat the demon lord and save the kingdom. He revealed that summoning heroes from other worlds was a century-old tradition, with the goal of suppressing the demon lord and their army.

The king elaborated that while heroes from other worlds were often summoned, it wasn't guaranteed that they would possess the qualities of a true hero. In fact, the kingdom had established a Hero Academy in the capital of DARWITZ, where individuals with talent could train to become heroes. Only the strongest would earn the prestigious title.

"You are also going to train in academic for 2 years. So any questions?" King questions.

"Yeah yeah of course...." Aoto with his childish behaviour said.

But king didn't mind it at all and replies warmly.
"Yes please feel free to ask."

Aoto questions, " Ummm...how many demon lords are there?, One or more than one?."

The king, adorned in regal attire that spoke of centuries of lineage, leaned forward slightly, his expression somber as he considered the hero's questions. "There are indeed six demon lords currently," he began, his voice steady but laden with the weight of the ongoing conflict. "Each one more malevolent and powerful than the last, threatening the very fabric of our kingdom."

Aoto absorbed the information, his brow furrowed in thought. 'Six demon lords? I guess this fantasy world is set on hard mode,' he mused internally, his determination hardening.

He then posed another question, his curiosity about their historical success against such formidable foes evident. "Uhh, one more question. You said this is not the first time you've summoned a hero. So, how many demon lords have been defeated by the heroes in the past?"

The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of history hanging in the air. The king sighed, a trace of sadness flickering across his features. "To our lament, while many heroes have fought valiantly, only one demon lord have defeated by  a hero. All other hearoes have managed to push them back, to stall their advances—sometimes for years at a time. But ultimately, no demon lord has yet been vanquished entirely by other than him."

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