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After an hour-long flight, the landscape below began to transition into familiar territory for Scarlett. As they approached, the distinct features of the Demon Realm's borderland blended into the rustic outskirts near Dreadhaven Village. Scarlett gently descended to the ground, carefully lowering Yumi from her arms. The gentle thud of their feet touching the earth marked their arrival.

"Did we arrive at your village?" Yumi asked, her voice laced with curiosity, as she brushed off the travel dust from her clothes.

"Yeah, we just have to walk a little further," Scarlett replied, a hint of pride in her tone.

They moved through a thicket of dense bushes, pushing past the leafy barrier. As they emerged, the sight that unfolded before them was strikingly different from what might have been expected of a quaint village. Dreadhaven had expanded, sprawling out larger than before, its borders now stretching ambitiously into the surrounding landscapes.

The village itself seemed to pulse with life. Villagers, recognizing the figure at the outskirts, momentarily paused their daily tasks. A ripple of excitement surged through the crowd as whispers turned into cheers.

"Scarlett-sama has returned!" voices echoed across the open spaces, cutting through the daily hum of village life.

"Scarlett-sama, how was the journey?" another called out as groups of villagers began converging towards her.

Cheers erupted from the gathering crowd as they dropped their tools and ran towards Scarlett, their faces alight with joy and admiration. The warm welcome painted a vivid picture of Scarlett's importance to this community and their relief at her safe return.

As Scarlett and Yumi approached the center of Dreadhaven Village, Scarlett couldn't help but feel puzzled. The last time she had been here, the population hovered around fifty or sixty villagers at most. Now, as they walked through, there seemed to be hundreds—close to 500, by her quick estimate. Before she could voice her confusion, a scream pierced the air, halting her thoughts.

"Aackkk....Monsters?" Yumi cried out in terror upon seeing instead of humans, unusual figures mingling among the villagers. Panic took over, and she spun around, trying to sprint away from the perceived threat. However, before she could make any significant distance, Scarlett's hand was on her back, holding her firmly in place. Yumi struggled briefly but couldn't move an inch forward.

"Don't worry, they are friendly," Scarlett reassured her, her voice calm and steady amidst Yumi's panic.

Tears welled up in Yumi's eyes, a mix of fear and betrayal evident on her face as she turned back to face Scarlett. "I thought you were going to teach me something like Bankai, Domain Expansion... but you lied to me."

Scarlett looked at Yumi with a slight frown. "When did I say that? I promised to put you in your right place, not to make you stronger," she corrected gently.

Yumi's confusion deepened. "What does that mean?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly with a mix of fear and curiosity.

"You'll soon understand," Scarlett replied enigmatically, her tone suggesting that the answers Yumi sought were closer than she might expect.

As Scarlett and Yumi entered the heart of Dreadhaven Village, a hush fell over the crowd. All eyes turned towards Yumi, their gazes filled with curiosity and wonder. The moment was broken when an elder goblin, Semiath, made his way through the villagers and approached Scarlett.

"Scarlett-sama, who's this girl?" Semiath inquired with a respectful nod.

Without hesitation, Scarlett lifted Yumi off her feet and into the air, presenting her to the gathered villagers. "This is Yumi Yamamoto," Scarlett announced with a commanding voice that resonated through the crowd. "From now on, she is the 'Minister of Finance.' So please, give respect to her."

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