Part Four

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Percy heard voices first.

'The Hecate kids already said its impossible.' A surprising high pitched voice claimed.

'No, Percy not being able to recover is what's impossible! How can a spell be permanent?' This voice had a Southern accent.

'I'm sorry.'

'Why won't the gods help? Hecate or Apollo or-'

'They refuse to since he pledged himself to Circe, and renounced the gods. Rachel already tried a summons.'

There was a loud thump and another voice, one that made Percy's spine tingle. 'That's not Percy's fault he was under a spell. One moment of mind control and he's worthless to the gods?'


'Shut up, Aelia. Will, when will he wake up?' 

A pause, then Percy felt a hand on his chest. 'He's already awake.'

No need to pretend anymore then. Percy sat up, his eyes taking in everything around him. His head throbbed and his vision felt fuzzy. He could still see the worried blonde boy with blue eyes holding a vial of- medicine? The blacked eyed, black haired boy who was glaring- somehow relievedly- at Percy. The rather tall girl with brown eyes, skin and wild blue hair. 

'How are you feeling?' The blonde asked in a Southern drawl, making Percy realize he had to be Will. So the black hair was probably Nico and the blue girl was Aelia.

Percy didn't reply to Will's question.

He was much to focused on the blankness in his mind. What had caused it? 

'Percy?' Nico said, waving a hand in his face. 'Reply to Will.'

Percy cleared his throat. 'Who are you?'

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