Part Ten

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Aelia PoV

As a daughter of Hecate, I was used to being overlooked.

I don't feel particularly powerful. My ability over the Mist was mediocre at best. I wasn't pretty. When I got up in the morning, I looked like a Korean girl who slept with her make-up on, only slept for 30 mins max and had taken a blue highlighter to her head. Which I am. 

I also have mommy issues (to be fair, who doesn't especially demigods) but my mother had a particular hatred for me. Because love.

And it definitely hurt when my mother favoured Alabastor or Jennie or even Hazel (who wasn't a daughter of Hecate, but whatevs. Full respect for her she is amazing).

Wow it is way to easy to get distracted by self pity.

The reasons above is why I was surprised that Nico stormed into my private thinking place that no one should no about and demanded I do some Mist thingy to reveal a dead body. 

Listen, I didn't particularly understand it either.

But I followed along with Nico, and I could feel some powerful Mist covering it. It took almost all of my energy to remove it, and when I did...

I wish I didn't.


Waves of grief washed over me, so strong that I was surprised by them. Piper, who had somehow sneaked in with us screamed. The sound broke my heart.

Then I took another look at it. It was... questionable.

Her white bone sword was stained red with blood, and looked like it was hastily placed across her chest. And, though it was a bit hard to read against the dark wooden floors of the cabin, I could still make out a message, written in Ancient Greek:

It was me. I killed her. Guess it was better in the end I wasn't your type, Nico?

I glanced at Nico, his face white with shock. Then I looked at Piper who was kneeling over Annabeth's body, tears streaking her cheeks. Then back at Nico.

My entire body felt numb. I couldn't even cry, which felt so wrong. Annabeth, one of my best friends... and I couldn't even mourn her properly. God's what was wrong with me?

Then I blinked and felt determination run through me. 'Someone call Will. We need to check that she's actually dead.' I said, my voice firmer than it should have been.

Nico shook his head. 'She's... she's dead. I just can't believe why...'

I didn't quite understand that, and I made a mental note to ask him about it later. But first, 'Piper, come with me. We'll make you some hot cocoa and...' I gulped as I took another glance at the body. 'And we'll talk about this later. But first... do you want me to take you to Jason?'

Piper shook her head and walked out of the cabin alone. I got it. She needed time. I also suspected she was going to go tell Hazel, if she hadn't already known.


He looked up. 'What.'

'Do you know who killed An- her?' My voice cracked at her name. It was too painful to say it...

Nico stayed silent. 'We need to take her body to the infirmary.'


'To preserve it before we can bury it. We'll also need to tell Chiron so that the Athena cabin can begin making a shroud.' His voice was numb, like he'd seen too many horrors and this was his breaking point. Actually, it probably was.

So that's what we did. Will wasn't at the infirmary. He was... I don't know actually. 

I left to go find Hazel and Piper, only to discover that Hazel had left with the Camp Jupiter demigods and Piper and Jason had gone with them. Some best friends. 

I also left Nico to tell Chiron about Annabeth. I should be there for him, but I couldn't even be there for myself. I groaned. Did that even make sense?

Sighing, I stalked towards the woods, not caring what was in there. It was quiet and slightly creepy. What wasn't there to like about it?

I reached there, sitting on a tree stump. Then it hit me. Annabeth was really dead. Like, really

Tears escalated into sobs and the sound echoed throughout the woods. No doubt I annoyed many woodland animals and dryads, but I didn't care.

Then I heard some muttering. It sounded familiar but I couldn't quite make it out.

So I followed it, duh.

And I saw a figure with a sword placed against his neck.


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