Chapter 2 Part 3: The Unexpected Encounter

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The one thing she was trying to avoid happened. Everyone in the lobby turned in her direction and started taking pictures.

The person that started the whole thing, suddenly had the right mind to get up and run. The worst part of the whole thing is Charm saw everything. He pointed at the troublemaker to his security guards.

Khloe didn't want any more attention on her, so she got up and started walking to the elevators. As she walked to the elevators, she heard everyone talking about her.

"Poor girl." said a person.

"She probably paid the person, to get Charm's attention." said another.

"These fan girls now in days." said the third one.

She didn't really care because she knows the truth and so does Charm.

As she made it to the elevators, Charm stopped her.

"Um, hi."

She turned to face him.

"You left your bag and phone on the floor." he said.

"T-Thank you." She grabbed her things from his hand. She was shivering and stuttering from the cold.

"Here, take this. You seem cold." He took off his jacket and put it on her shoulders.

"No, that's okay. I'm staying here anyways. I can always warm up in my room." she told him.

"I would rather you take it."

She had a feeling he wouldn't take it back, so she took it.

"I'll give it to you, tomorrow. Here in the lobby."

He nodded his head, yes. As the elevator doors opened, he asked her a question.

"Would you mind if I could get your name?" She looked up and said, "My name is Khloe Rose."

He repeated her name and said, "Well, Khloe Rose, I'll see you here tomorrow."

The elevator doors closed, and Khloe's face disappeared from Charm's sight. "It was her." he thought to himself, blushing.

Khloe was flushed with red. The elevator ride felt long, but she finally reached her floor. She left a huge blue champagne puddle on the elevator floor, but she didn't care.

She opened her room door and headed for the bathroom. She took a long shower thinking of what happened downstairs.

She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that she had a conversation with "THE" Charm Kingston. As she dried her hair she thought, "He smells like blueberries."

Khloe went to bed thinking about Charm and Charm went to bed thinking about Khloe. The next morning came and Khloe had the worst night ever.

"Whyyy??" she whined.

"I get that I had a few drinks, but wouldn't that knock me out? I have to see Charm today and I'm a hot mess." she said to herself.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes at the ceiling and got up from the bed. She picked out we second outfit. It was an all back long sleeve shirt with red oversized pants.

She picked out a gold chain and her gold Apple Watch band. Her shoes were black Nikes with the souls of her shoes white.

She took a shower, washed her hair, and put it into two ponytails. She sprayed herself with Bath & Bodies: Cherry Blossom perfume.

She went to the hotel's laundry room and washed Charm's jacket. Once it was nice and clean, she went downstairs. She double check her purse to see if she left anything.

She went to the breakfast area and grabbed a cup of passion fruit juice. She sat down and went on her phone. All of a sudden, a group of girls walked up to her trying to cause trouble.

"Hey, you! What do you think you're doing with Charm's jacket?" said the leader.

"Umm, he lended it to me and I'm trying to give it back."

Khloe was very confused as in to why these girls wanted to know her business.

"Well, you don't need to do that. We'll take it off your hands."

The girl reached from the jacket, but Khloe snatched it before she could.

"That's okay, I'll give it to him myself."

The girl scoffed and looked to her friends for support.

"We're trying to help you out. Don't be so salty."

Khloe rolled her eyes and said, "I didn't ask for your help. Anyways, it's not even your business."

The girls all made a nasty face and whispered to each other.

"You don't have to whisper. Just go away and fan girl over something."

The girls put all of their focus on Khloe. "

First off, you don't have to be rude. Second off, this is our business, and third off..."

The girl couldn't finish her sentence because someone interrupted her.

"Is there a problem?"

The girls turned around to see Charm behind them.

"OMG! Charm, We're like huge fans!" said one of the girls.

The others were squealing in the background.

"Hm. It seemed like you guys were bothering my friend." he said to the girls.

"No, no, no! We were just trying to talk to her and stuff." said another girl.

"Well, okay. I'm going to have to cut your conversation short."

He walked over to Khloe and said, "Thanks for taking care of my jacket. Let's go." He offered his hand and the two left the hotel.

As they walked down the street, the pair couldn't keep a straight face.

"Haha. Man, I feel bad for those girls a little." Khloe said.

"Why?" he asked her.

"You practically put them on blast in front of everyone."

He stopped walking and turned her around. He pulled her close, but a little too hard. The two fell to the ground, laughing again.

The two rose from the floor, both a little embarrassed. They continued to walk in an awkward silence, but cute silence. Charm couldn't take the embarrassment anymore and said.

"Well, that didn't go as planned." said Charm. He laughed a cute hiccup.

"What were you planning?" Khloe asked, jokingly.

"To give you a kiss." he replied back.

Her face went red and Charm laughed. Khloe stared at Charm and walked a little closer.

"How do I know if you're telling the truth?"

Charm leaned in closer, but Khloe didn't expect what would happen next.

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