Chapter 8 Part 3: Book Finale

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"Good morning, everyone! Today we have shocking news, Isabella Browne, is temporarily coming out of retirement to give us one finale performance!" a news anchor said.

"On top of that, it is completely free. The concert will be held at the park near the Four Seasons Hotel, don't miss it." the news anchor finished.

Khloe shut the tv off. She couldn't think about what the outcome could be. Their plan could be a success, or it could fail. The worse possible and only outcome is death. Charm could feel Khloe's anxious energy and gave her a hug.

"I know you're worried, I am too. But this plan will work. We just need to have faith." he said to her. She nodded her head and stood in Charm's warm embrace. She tried to tell herself that Charm was right, but the feeling wouldn't go away.

They couple spent their time going over the plan and told Leo about it. Khloe called Yuki over and told him the plan. Leo and Yuki were both surprised and disgusted by what Isabella did to Charm and Khloe. They didn't hesitate to agree to their plan. They got all the necessary tools and got into positions.

The hours were going by fast, but too fast for Khloe and Charm. They felt better than they did this morning, but it wasn't enough. Leo had to go finish setting up the stage for Isabella. He felt like rigging the stage for her to fall through, but he couldn't risk her hurting Charm and Khloe.

In Isabella's place:

"Ah! Today is the day!" Isabella said in a singsong voice.

"Charm and Khloe. My dear friends, it's time for you to meet your end!" she laughed. Isabella heard a knock on her door and her mood dropped. "Who is bugging me on such a joyous day?" she asked herself.

"Ms. Browne, it's Leo." he said through the door. Isabella opened the door and looked at Leo. "Oh hey, Leo. What can I do for you today?" she asked him.

"I just wanted to let you know that your stage is ready. You can come anytime to practice before your performance, though I'm sure you won't need it." he said.

Isabella laughed slightly, "You're too sweet. I'll be ready in 30 minutes." she told Leo. He nodded his head and left her alone. He tried not to rush out of there, so she doesn't suspect anything. Isabella closed her door and continued to sing about Charm and Khloe.

"You're at death's door."

Back at the hotel:

The hour that Charm and Khloe were regretting came. It was time for her performance. They put on the outfits that matched her theme. Black and white. They knew that it was meant for them, for their fans to mourn they're soon to be death. They made their way backstage to wish Isabella luck. In their hearts, they didn't mean a single drop of it.

"Good luck on your performance. I'm very excited to see it." Khloe said to her.

"Yes, thank you." Isabella replied to her.

Charm and Khloe made their way to the front row. After waiting 30 minutes, the concert finally started. It started out with a bang of Isabella's first hit. Then, it was brought down with some of her sadder songs. There was a 30-minute break before the second part of her performance. They knew that she wasn't going to attack them during that time.

It was going to be after her performance when she knows there's going to be no one else around. After the 30-minute break was over, she finished the second part of her performance with the songs that she used to finish her music career. Everyone enjoyed her concert, but Charm and Khloe were getting ready for war.

When she finished performing, she took a long bow. "Thank you everyone for coming tonight." she said. Everyone cheered loudly once she finished her sentence. "This means a lot to me because you all know that I haven't performed in a few years. Also, thank you Charm and Khloe for coming tonight." she said pointing to them.

The camera focused on Charm and Khloe. The couple smiled and waved at everyone. "It truly is an honor. Have a good night, everyone!" Isabella finished. Everyone made their way back to their rooms talking about the once-in-a lifetime performance held by Isabella.

Once everyone cleared, they were the last few to go. They needed their plan to work, to stop Isabella from hurting others in the future. "I feel bad for my future kids. They'll never be able to see a performance from her ever again." Khloe heard a person say. She saw Charm roll his eyes and she laughed. As they got closer and closer to the hotel, they started to get worried.

Soon, they felt cloths going over their heads. To make it seem real, they kicked and screamed. Underneath, the cloth, they were truly smiling. Isabella's terror wasn't going to exist much longer. They were thrown in a car and were driven somewhere far. Once, they felt the car stop they knew they were at Isabella's desired location.

They were yanked out the car and forced into chairs. The felt their hands and feet being tied and the cloth came off their heads. Charm and Khloe looked around to see that they were tied next to each other. "Charm, what's happening?" Khloe cried.

"I don't know, love. It's going to be okay, don't worry." he said to her. Khloe continued to cry and until she heard footsteps behind them.

"Oh, give me a break. You've been through this before Khloe." Isabella said.

"I didn't do anything to you. Why are you doing this to me?" she yelled. Isabella punched her face.

"Khloe!" Charm shouted out.

"Be quiet!" Isabella yelled.

"You two have always been a pain in my side. Now, it's time to get rid of that pain." Isabella pulled out her silencer and pointed at Khloe first.

"You got straight to the point, huh?" Khloe asked her.

"I learned from last time." She was about to pull the trigger when she heard sirens in the background.

"What's going on?" she asked out loud.

"I learned from the first time too." Isabella looked down to see Khloe's feet untied. Khloe kicked her hard and she fell to the floor. Khloe untied her hands and pulled out a knife from her shoe. She untied Charm and Charm took the gun from Isabella. They ran as fast as they could to the police.

"Are you two, okay?" the officer asked.

"Yes! Isabella is still inside, though." Khloe informed the officer.

"We'll get right on that. I'm glad you two are okay." The officers went inside the building and came back out 10 minutes later. They had Isabella in handcuffs and put her in the police car.

"How is this possible? I'll get my revenge!"

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