14 | congratulations!

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the wedding began and i don't have much to say about it. saylor looked beautiful as ever. her bitch looked ugly as ever.

only thing that stood out was the fact that the entire audience was paige's family and friends. the only people who were friends of saylor were the few figure skaters she's friends with that she asked to be bridesmaids.

the ceremony was going and going and i was so out of it. watching saylor hold hands with that abusive girl, knowing she wants nothing to do with her.

and she had this grin on her face that was clearly forced.

after so much talking, the officiant said "should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

i moved an inch and zoe put her hand on my leg, stopping me. "don't even think about it."

i huffed.

"you keep forgetting who you are," she whispered.

the ceremony went on and so did the torture. then it was time for them to sign the marriage license papers and i honestly just face palmed as i watched saylor sign her life away.

but after awhile, the officiant finally said "by the love that has brought you here today and by the vows you have pledged, it is my great honor to now pronounce you wife and wife. you may now share a kiss."

i just looked down cause i couldn't even watch that bullshit.

the crowd cheered and cheered for them though.
and then they continued to cheer as saylor, paige, and the rest of their bridal party exited the room. after that, they directed us to another room for the reception.

zoe and i walked into the reception hand in hand as she could sense my irritation and anxiousness. "you're good," she told me. "you're good."

the reception was what it was. saylor and paige did their first dance and shit. saylor was pretty busy running around thanking people for coming and what not so i hadn't had a chance to speak to her.

now i cant lie, the food and music and everything was fire.

but whatever.

saylor and paige were at the head table with the bridesmaids. and as we (the guest) were eating/ sitting and enjoying the atmosphere, paige stood up. she had a glass in her hand filled with liquor of course, and she wanted to give a speech.

"disclaimer," she cleared her throat. "im already like three drinks in so things might get a little slurry," she started.

saylor glanced up at her, still sitting down.

"thank you to everyone who came. and thank you to everyone who has been here with moony and i since day one."

saylor just grinned.

"anybody who knows moony and i for real, knows that we definitely bud heads," paige chuckled. "but she's my rock, and i wouldn't wanna go through life with anyone else."

everyone was in awe and i just rolled my eyes. meanwhile, saylor was giving the fakest smile ever. she's definitely over it.

"though she continues and continues to piss me off... i'll never let her leave-"

"paige," saylor cut her off, shaking her head no. "stop."

"hey!" paige called out. "bartender, can you grab me another drink? anyway, as i was saying.."

"paige," saylor said.

"you guys know moony and i were high school sweet hearts," she went on. "we were joint at the hip. and then moony really started succeeding in figure skating.. until she didn't."

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