25 | happy birthday saylor!

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                               - saylor's pov -

"first night of the tourrrrrr," i cheered. "so exciting!"

billie chuckled. "which song are you most excited to hear?"

"hmmm," i thought. "the new one about me that no one has heard."

she nodded with a grin. "me too."

"you sure you wanna be on the floor and not backstage?" maggie rose her eyebrows as she looked at the boot on my injured ankle.

"yeah yeah," i nodded quickly. "i want the whole billie eilish experience," i giggled.

"you get the billie eilish experience every night don't you?" finneas joked, making my mouth drop.

billie hit his arm. "dude cmon," she said to him while he continued to laugh. "fuck off."


time passed and i waited backstage with maggie until all the fans had made onto the floor first. then maggie and i made our way down and stood in the back to enjoy the show.

it was absolutely incredible, i definitely understand the hype about billie's shows.

not to mention she looked so good the entire time.

"okay we only have one more song left," billie said into the microphone

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"okay we only have one more song left," billie said into the microphone. "but before we do that, i gotta embarrass somebody right quick."

my eyes got wide and then i looked at maggie. "she wouldn't, right?"

then maggie started giggling. "nah, she would."

"im sure you guys know saylor," billie pointed to me, having the stage crew shine the spotlight on me.

it seemed like every head in that damn stadium turned towards me. and my social anxiety was telling me to run away.

i kind of just froze in shock. my eyes wide, i managed to force a nervous smile and wave at everyone.

"well tomorrow is her birthday so i want us all to sing to her," billie added.

the crowd began cheering and i couldn't help but to blush. im sure my face was probably red as ever.

so then billie counted them off and everyone sung happy birthday while finneas played the tune on his keyboard.

that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, honestly. i was really at a loss for words. i just stood there in complete awe with my hand on my chest.

"im gonna get fussed at for this later," billie chuckled. "but it was worth it."


it was the next day and billie has another support and feed event to do in new orleans so we're here for an extra day before we move on to the next city.

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