Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

I slowly calmed down. But I didn't make a move to pull away from Rengoku. The words he just said were the words Akaza always said to me. But even he broke the promise. Akaza... why did you have to leave?

-Unwavering Determination-


The next day I woke up still in shock with the event that happened the previous day. I still find it hard to accept the fact that both of my parents have been murdered by a demon. Akaza did warned me that not all demons are like him. There are demons out there that will always go for a kill.

I just sit on the hospital bed, staring out the window. My eyes were empty as I stare mindlessly at the cloud as it drifted by. My feelings are all mixed up. From sadness, pain to anger.

I hear footsteps coming closer towards me. I know who it is because of the aura. I didn't say anything to him as I just stay the way I am.

"How are you feeling, L/N-San?" He asked. I still didn't say a word. I hear a soft sigh from him. I feel the bed dip he take a seat on the edge of the bed. His hand gently place on mine, which is resting on my lap. "Please don't be so silent. Say something" he said. His voice sounded pleading.

"They're gone..." I mumbled. I turn my head to look at Rengoku. "My parents are gone... and I'll never see them again. I just got my sight back. I was hoping to spend my time with them to explore everything together. But I'm not gonna have the chance to, because they're gone! My parents are dead" I said, choking out a sob. Tears starts to stream down my cheeks.

His eyes soften as he wrap an arm around my shoulder. I scoot closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder. His hand went up to my head, as he starts to caress my h/c hair softly. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to get rid of the horrid images of my parent's lifeless bodies from my mind.

"My parents are gone, and it's all because of that damn demon!" I said. I clench my hands into tight fists. I move away from Rengoku and stand up. I turn to look at him with a serious gaze. "Please train me, Rengoku-San... I want to be a strong Demon Slayer like you" I said. His eyes widen at what I said.

"A-Are you s-serious? L/N-San... demon slaying is a dangerous job. Your life will always be on the line in each battle you face. Please re-think this. Don't choose rashly. Once you walk down the path of a Slayer, you can't back out" he said.

"I don't care, Rengoku-San! I want to be a Slayer. I want to protect the weak, just like you did for me" I said. I walk up to him and hold his hand. I stare at him with a serious expression filled with determination. "I want to be just like you. Please teach me" I said. He stares at me without saying anything.


I duck when Rengoku tries to struck me with his bokken sword. I block his attack, as he tries to strike my waist. I step back a little to give some distance. I let out a yell as I lunged at him.

"Well done, L/N-San. You're a natural" he said. I just give him a soft smile. I take a battle stance to get ready to strike again. "I think that's enough. You need to rest" he said.

"No... I can still go" I said, shaking my head rapidly. He let out a sigh at what I said. I lunges at him to attack in which he swiftly block my attack. I stumble back a little as I breathe heavily.

"Your body is already exhausted. We can train again after you get some rest" he said. I just shake my head stubbornly. He frown at my reaction. "L/N-San... I'm serious. I think that's enough" he said. I let out a sigh at what he said. I turn around and walk towards a dummy and continue to train.

Rengoku P.O.V

I continue to call out her name. But she didn't listen to me. After striking the dummy for the umpteenth time, she stumbled back and falls on her knees. I yell out her name as I rush to her side.

She cough out blood, making me panicked. "Okay, that's it. You're done for the day" I said. She shakes her head and tries to stand up, only to fall back down. "You see. Your body can't handle it anymore. You're taking this training too hard, L/N-San" I said. She turn to look at me for a moment. Her eyes suddenly rolled back as she falls forward. I quickly catches her before she hits the ground.

Her face looks pale. Her body feels hotter than a normal temperature should, letting me know that she's having a high fever. I let out a sigh and gently place my hands on her back and behind her knees. I stand up with her in my arms. I need to take her to the Butterfly Estate so Kocho can look after her.


I sit down on the bench in the corridor, with my back against the wall as I wait for Kocho to check up on L/N. I truly hope that she'd be okay. Seeing her in such state makes my heart aches. The last thing I want is to watch her pushing herself beyond what her body could take. But no matter what I try to say, asking her to go easy on herself... she just wouldn't listen.

The door to the room L/N's in opens up. I turn my head to see Kocho. I stand up and walks up to her. "How is she?" I asked. She turn her head to look at the slightly open door. I follow her gaze to see L/N as she lays on the bed. She looks pale and weak.

"She's fine... I just need to give her some medicine to help break her fever" she said. I let out a sigh of relief. I walk past her and enters the room. She walks up to me, standing next to me as she stares at L/N. "She sure push herself, huh? It's not good for her health. But she doesn't seem to care about it" she said. I let out a sigh and nod my head. She turn her head to look at me. "You love her, don't you, Rengoku-San?" She said. I froze at what she just said. I turn my head to look at her.

"Was I that obvious?" I asked. She smiles at me and nods her head. I let out a sigh and turn to look at Y/N. "Yeah. I do love her... so much. So it pains me to see her in such state" I said. She hums softly at what I said. She reaches out and tuck a strand piece of hair behind her ear.

"Just stay by her side" she said. I smile softly and nod my head. She turns around to walk away. "Oh, and make sure she'd drink some water when she wakes up" she said.

"I will... thank you, Kocho" I said. She only smiled. She turns around, walking away. I let out a sigh and turn to look at L/N. I take a seat on the edge of the bed. I gently hold her hand, placing it on my lap. "Please be okay..." I said. I lean down, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

I love you, Y/N

*to be continued*

A/N: oooh~ Rengoku admits he loves you. How do you think will Akaza react to this? I smell drama~. Curious as to what will happen next? Stay tune~.

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