Chapter 26

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Previously on Chapter 25

I close my eyes as my mind drifted off, as I start to think about my boyfriend. Kibutsuji wouldn't be happy with his action for sending me away. I just hope, that evil demon wouldn't do any harm towards him. I hope you're okay and that you'd return soon, Akaza.



Kyoujuro walks towards the window to take a peak as I stayed back. He turn to look at me. "The sun has gone down. We should get going now" he said. I just nod my head lightly. I move to stand up. He smiles softly at me. "Let's go..." he said. The two of us make our way out of the house. We continue our journey to the Headquarter.

The whole journey is filled with small conversation here and there. Kyoujuro would ask me how things were after I was turned into a demon. I would tell him what happened after I went off with Akaza. Of course, I tell him the truth that Akaza and now are together. I'm able to tell that he's sad about that. But he said he'd be happy for me.


By midnight, we finally reach our destination. Kyoujuro offers that I should stay with him at his estate. I try to decline, remembering his father who's always angry. He's not gonna be happy with the fact that his son had brought home a demon. But he managed to assure me that it's going to be alright. Since it's midnight, his dad would probably be asleep. So, in the end I just agree to his offer.

He leads me to his Estate and push the gate open. He turn his head to look at me, gesturing me to head inside. I just walk inside with him following behind me. I turn my head to look at him as he closes the gate. He place a hand on my lower back, as he guides me inside. It's so quiet here, which means Kyoujuro is right about his dad being asleep.

Kyoujuro leads me to an empty room. "You can take this room. Go on and get some rest... don't worry about my father. He's not going to be awake until near afternoon" he said. I just nod my head at what he said. I sends me a soft smile. He gently pat my head and turn around. I just stare at his back as he walks away, probably heading to his room.

I let out a sigh and walk inside, sliding the door close behind me. I walk towards the center of the room and sits down on my knees on the floor. I place my hands on my lap as I close my eyes.

I'm surrounded by humans. Kyoujuro, his brother and father. But for some reasons, I don't have the urge to hurt or to devour any of them. As much as I confused me. I'm glad that I don't feel that hunger a demon has for human flesh. The last thing I want is to hurt anyone.

I let out a sigh and open my eyes. The bright color of the curtain covering the window lets me know that the sun has risen. I didn't realize I was sitting for that long. It looks like I'm going to have to wait for the sun to set before I get to do any activity.


I still remain in the room, as I was told by Kyoujuro that I shouldn't leave the room unless he comes to get me. It is to avoid getting yelled at by his father. So all I do is just remain seated on the cold floor.

The door slowly slides open. I turn my head to see a man. A look of anger is shown on his face. He points his finger at me as I stare at him without saying a word.

"You... what're you doing here?!" He yelled out, while pointing at me. My eyes widen when I realize it's none other than Kyoujuro's father. I move to stand up as he speeds walk towards me. "You damned demon. This is not where you belong! You rotten sh*t!" He yelled at my face as he grabs my collar. He pulls me up until my feet dangles beneath me.

"Father!" Another voice said. I turn my head slightly to see Kyoujuro. He rushes over to us, grabbing a hold of his father's wrist. "Please let her go..." he said. I watch as his father throws him off.

"You... you're the one who brought this thing here, huh? How DARE you filth my ground?!" He said. Kyoujuro opens his mouth to say something. His eyes meet mine. I lightly shake my head silently to signal him not to say a word.

"I'm aware that I'm not welcomed here, Rengoku-San" I said. Kyoujuro's father turn his head to look at me with a glare. "Forgive me for coming here. I'll take my leave now" I said.

"No, Y/N. The sun is still up... you'll die if you step a foot outside" Kyoujuro said, shaking his head. I just give him a soft smile. His father releases me harshly, sending me stumbling onto the floor.

"Be my guest... leave now" he said. He clearly didn't care that I'll die from the sun. He just wanted me gone. He makes it clear through his body language. I bow my head at him as a sign of respect. I turn around and walks up to the door.

"Don't..." Kyoujuro said, rushing over to grab my wrist. I turn my head to look at him. He shakes his head as he stares at me with a pleading gaze. "I can't let you leave while the sun is still up. I don't want you ended up getting yourself burn into ashes, Y/N..." he said.

"Let the thing go, Kyoujuro!" His father said. Kyoujuro turned his head to look at his father. "Let it go! Do not forget that it's your choice to be a Slayer. Your job is to kill demons. Let it go and let it die. As it should be!" He said.

"Father, no... don't do this. This is Y/N. Remember? The girl you're so fond of?" He said. His hand letting go of mine. His eyes are pleading at his father to let me stay here. I don't want to be the reason these two to get into a  fight. I take Kyoujuro's distraction as he continue to beg his father. I turn around towards the door and slides it open. "Y/N. NO!!" Kyoujuro said.

I drop on my knees as I scream from the heat. I feel my body getting burn by the sunlight. Kyoujuro tries to come to me to pull me back in, but he's stopped by his father.

Kyoujuro P.O.V

"Y/N!! Come back inside! Please!!" I yelled out. Father holds me back from trying to pull her back in. I drop on my knees as I watch her screaming in pain from the sun. I shut my eyes, unable to watch her going through so much pain. The sound of her scream is heart wrenching.

After a while the sound of her screaming stops. I can't bear to look, knowing all that's left of her are ashes. I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. She's gone... I can't believe she's gone.

*to be continued*

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