Chapter 31

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Xander pov

Ayla is getting under my skin more than necessary and most importantly, I am allowing it.  I don't even know why. I get surprise with myself everyday with her. I was doing my best to stay away from her until she brought up Kale earlier.

She is never getting back with him. Only over my dead body, she will be able to leave. Even then, I might haunt her. I am getting too possessive with her and a part in me does not mind it at all. She belongs to me.

I kissed her again. I touched her again and given the chance I have a feeling I can keep doing it. I have never felt the need to hurt someone but when she claimed that she would run away with Kale, I felt like killing him. That man has it really bad for her. I saw it with my own eyes. He always looks like a lovesick puppy around her.

Ayla wants him as well! But too bad, she's already bound to me.

For the past weeks, I have been making sure that she recovers well. She was looking way too depressed. She might not have shown any sign of being sad but I could feel it. She would always stared at nothing. She didn't even talked for a few days. Her body was present but her mind was elsewhere.

At times, I find myself wondering what her life has been before marrying me. From what I have seen so far, it must have been hell. Her anger says it all and she has a lot of it. It always make her do reckless things.

My eyes veer towards the still closed up blinds. From the day she has joined, she has closed them. I wonder what she is currently doing. Must be sipping on one of those cold vanilla milk she likes so much.

I specifically ordered all the things she likes so that she can eat and keep herself hydrated throughout the day.

She asked if I like her. Do I?

Like a magnet, I keep getting closer to her. She's just there and all I think is to put my hands on her. To just hold her.

I get a notification and get pulled out from her thoughts. Shit! I missed a meeting. That has never happened! Ayla did remind me this morning but instead of focusing on it, all my attention have been on her.

Ayla is distracting me too much from work and I hate it. My work has always been my top priority and she is getting in between. I'll be damn if I keep letting it happen. I can't let my business suffer because of her.

I am going to have to control myself around her. Keeping her at arm's length is way more easier. Especially when she declared that she has no problem cheating. I am not going over those emotions all over again. One time was enough.

I have to keep Ayla away from me.

Later, to clear my head, I get up and stand close to the window. It's already one in the afternoon. I have ordered lunch for Ayla. She's been sitting inside her cabin since morning.


Well, speak of the devil. Here, she comes.

When I don't turn around, she comes to stand besides me. "I am going out for lunch"

"No, you are not", I finally face her.

My heart skips a beat. She looks beautiful. Wait, did I just think that?

"Why not?", she asks. "I am hungry"

"You are not going out", I repeat.

"What will I eat then?"

I am about to tell her that I have already ordered her lunch when she takes a step closer. I take a step back instantly which is a mistake. A big one. I realise this when I see her sly grin.

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