Chapter 34

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With a scared heart, I remove Xander's phone quickly from my jacket's pocket and hand it over to him while he is still speaking to his sister over mine.

I can hear her loud cries. Her apartment is on fire and she is stuck inside.

"I am coming there Em", he tells her. "Don't worry okay. You'll be fine"

"You put my phone on silent!", he exclaims angrily then ignoring me, he runs towards the car.

"Give me the freaking keys!"

I do as he says and follow him. When we get inside the car, he starts the car and speeds quickly on the road.

"Xander, Emma will be okay", I touch his arm and try to reassure him.

"Get your hands away from me!", he shrugs my hand away from his harshly. "My sister was calling me. I have hundreds of misscalls from her! I would have already reached there if you didn't placed my phone on silent Ayla! Do you even know what you have done?!"

"I'm so sorry", my voice breaks as I speak with fright. "I didn't know this would happened"

"I don't want you speaking at all", he snaps.

I remain quiet and send silent prayers for Emma. I hope she is okay. Please let her be okay God. Don't let her get hurt. Please God.

Seeing Xander so scared for her, I wish I could have switched place with her. She would have been safe right now. I wish I didn't placed his phone on silent. He's right. Right now, Emma would have been out from her apartment.

When we reach at her place, firemen are already trying to rescue her. When Xander is about to run inside, I hold his hand quickly.

"Xander, you can't deal with fire....."

"Don't touch me!", he says vehemently and pulls his hand away from mine. "If something happens to my sister, and I am not able to do anything, it's going to be your fault!"

He blames me. I totally deserve that. But he will panic inside. He is scared of fire. I follow him quickly despite the other men shout not to.

Black smoke is everywhere and the flames are fierce. Some of them have been doused while in some places, the fire is still flaming angrily. I keep advancing forward and look everywhere for Xander and Emma.

I hope he does not have a breakdown. I hope he is okay.

I end up pressing my arm against a hot metal and hiss in pain. Ignoring it, I move forward and let a breath out with relief when I see Xander and another man bringing Emma out.

"Are you okay Emma?", I ask her.

"I am fine", she says in a weak tone,

Xander ignores me and gathers his sister tighter in his arms and walks out. I remain still and watch their retreating back.

Father's words echo in my mind and my heart speeds up. "It's all your fucking fault. You attract bad luck. Fuck that! You are bad luck and your presence will always hurt people around you!"

"You fucking murderer!"

"You have to leave the premises ma'am", a fireman tells me as he starts guiding me out. "We are still cooling down the flames"

When I reach outside, I find Xander and Emma by the ambulance where a doctor is checking up on her. She looks shaken up and Xander is comforting her.

Honestly, I am actually scared to approach them. If only I didn't put his phone on silent, she would have been okay.

Nevertheless, I approach them and stand quietly while the doctor speaks with them. She has inhaled smoke a lot. Luckily the fire was not that intensed or else it would have been difficult to get her out.

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