Chapter 2

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"hey look, my friends are sitting there" I said to Tyler. "You want to sit there?" he asked me with a strange expression on his face that I couldn't figure out. "Yes? They're really cool, I'll introduce them to you" I smiled. "Okay, but only because it's you" he said and left with me. "Hey" I said to the others. "Hey" everyone greeted us. "so Tyler, this is Matt, Nick and Chris" I said to him and pointed to the three "and this is Tyler, my boyfriend" I said. The three of them greeted him with "hi" except for Chris, who just waved his hand up briefly. "Sit down" Alahna said and I sat in line with her. "Hey Megan, don't be mad at me, but I'm going to sit with my boys okay" Tyler said. Everyone just looked confused. "Oh Okay" I smiled slightly and briefly. I was kind of disappointed, what's his problem with the three of them. He sat on the other side of the room and greeted his boys with a handshake. "What was that?" Alahna asked confused. "I guess he thinks he's better" said Chris. "Don't take it personally, he's probably sitting next to us in another class" Rachel said. "Yes, you're right," I smiled

"Before the class ends, I would like to tell you your partner for the next 6 months" said our teacher. We were all quiet and listening. "Chris and Alahna" he said and Chris turned to Alahna to give her a handshake. At some point Mr. Davis finally said my name. I was hoping for Rachel or Tyler, but at first it turned out completely different. "Megan and Matt" he said. I looked at Rachel, who hadn't even looked at me, but I could see Tyler glaring at me out of the corner of my eye. Come on, I can't help it. Matt just turned to me and smiled. "Nick and Rachel" came Mr. Davis' voice. Tyler was in a group with one of his closest friends, Jacob. Sure, I'd rather be in a group with Tyler, but Matt is okay too and anyway, I thought it was stupid for Tyler to walk away just because his friends are on the lacrosse team. Chris and Matt are also on the team.

After class, Tyler just left without me. "What's wrong with him?" said Alahna. "I have no idea.." I said kinda sad. "Can I sit with you?" I asked and Matt and Alahna nodded. We went to the large hall where the food was served and there were tables. I used to always sit with Tyler and Rachel with his friends, but today we sat with the triplets and Alahna. The 4 of them talked to each other and I looked at my timetable. For the next two hours I have history with Chris. "Sorry, Chris, you have history next right?" I asked. "Yes, you too?" he asked and I nodded "Well then, shall we go together?" he asked "yes, if you don't mind we can leave a few minutes early so we can find the room" "I don't mind" he smiled slightly. The first time I saw him smile today I smiled back and received a questioning look from Rachel. I know she likes him, but he's obviously not interested so she shouldn't react like that. I would be happy for her if they both work. I unpacked the food my mom made me this morning and ate it. "I'm so excited about home coming" Rachel said. "Are we going together?" I asked her "of course" she smiled. Argh she has such mood swings.

"Wanna Go?" Chris asked, studying my face. "Yeah, we can go" I said and packed up my things. I left the table with him and only saw Tyler looking stupid. I'm really wondering what's going on with him this morning. Chris and I were alone in the school building because everyone was still in the hall. "It's funny that we never talked even though my brothers and I have known your sister for ages" he said "yes funny" I laughed slightly. "We somehow have such different lives even though we lie together every night and tell each other everything" I said "yes, she said a few things about you" said Chris "really? What?" I asked interestedly. "almost the same as you. She says it's crazy that you don't hang out with us but with your boyfriend's cool friends" he laughed "Yeah and to be honest the people are okay but you guys are better. It's difficult to always be around people who talk behind your back and are just fake. Tyler really disappointed me today" I said, "I'm sure you'll fix it, Megan. I'm sure" "yes I think so" I smiled. "About Rachel, do you like her?" I asked out of interest. "No, She's okay, but I don't like her that way" Chris said. "I think you would be a good match" I said. "Megan" he said. And again, he said my name and something about it was so different.

The classroom was open and the teacher was already inside, it was Mr. Collister. "Can we come in?" I asked and knocked. "Of course, find a place. "Shall we sit here?" I asked Chris. I didn't want to sit alone so I thought I'd ask him. He nodded and we sat at the window. Slowly the room filled with students and a few of Tyler's friends were in the room. Chris and I joked around during class and I couldn't always contain my laughter. "Pshht" Chris said, chuckling himself. Mr. Collister admonished us with a stern look. Collister was always a chill teacher, but I think today he was very annoyed with Chris and me.

"For homework, please do an 800-word essay about World War II" said Collister, ending the lesson. Chris and I packed up our things and left the classroom. However, Tyler caught me in front of the classroom. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Devon texted me that you seemed to be having a lot of fun with Chris in class" he said, walking next to us. "We just laughed" I said in surprise. "If you say so" he said. Chris just raised his eyebrows and disappeared to the other end of the hallway to his brothers. "What was that Tyler?" I asked. "I have to know what you're doing" he said I was really angry now "Tyler you didn't care about me all day and then suddenly out of nowhere you're interested in what I'm doing, that's hilarious" I said and walked away. He ran after me "of course if it's with other guys" he said

Note 💗
March 11, 2024

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