Chapter 13

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"I'll read out two names each and they'll be a team. While I'm away, just pass the balls to each other. After that we'll play volleyball" said Coach Jenkins and then chose the teams. How could it be otherwise? Chris and I were on a team. Chris grabbed a ball and led the way. "Wait for me" I said and jogged after him. We stood a little apart from the others and passed the ball to each other. "The kiss on my cheek was pretty brave of you in front of my parents" he grinned "Chris pshht" I said and looked around frantically "chill, no one can hear" he said "I don't know, I wasn't thinking." I said in response to what he said first. "My mother asked about you" he said. "Really? She's so cute" I said. "She said that she's going out with dad on Friday evening and it's a good idea for you and Alahna to come with Rachel and Tyler" he said, "I don't think that's a good idea, but how does she know Rachel?" "I don't think that's a good idea either. Nick told her about Rachel and that she likes me" Chris said. "Maybe it's also a good attempt to reconcile with Rachel" he said. "Yes, you may be right" I said

I sat in Latin class with Nick and Matt. I sat between the two. Nick was writing something down, Matt was leaning against the chair with his arms crossed and I was twirling my pen in my fingers. Mrs. Walters, our Latin teacher, repeated the function words in Latin again today. "Why are we repeating this, it's so easy" whispered Matt and then Nick leaned back too. "Megan, I love you, but stop" Nick whispers and puts his hand on mine and then takes it away again. "Sorry" I said and put the pen down. Now all three of us sat leaning against the chairs with our arms crossed. "Are you coming on Friday?" asked Nick. "I don't know if I'm coming" I said quietly. "Come on, Megan. You have to get along with Rachel again or do you just want to throw your friendship away?" Matt whispered weakly. "Quiet!!" Mrs. Walters said across the room and we immediately fell silent. A few minutes later the school bell rang. The three of us went out the door to the car, we waited for Alahna and Chris, the two of them always take the longest together. I looked out of the car and saw Rachel. "I'll be right back" I said and walked out of the car. "Rachel" I called and at first she ignored me "Rachel wait" I called and when she stopped I quickly went over to her. "yea?" she asked. "I know we haven't spent much time lately. But I wanted to ask you if you were coming to the triplets on Friday. They invited us and I would be happy if you were there" I smiled, hoping she would agree. "Okay" she said, "but only because I don't want to lose you as my best friend" she said with a smile. "Thanks Rach" I said. "Are you texting to me?" I asked. "Sure" she smiled back.
I went back into the car, Alahna and Chris are still not there. "Rachel is coming" I said happily. "See, like I said" Matt said.

"Mom, Tyler is picking me up" I called down the stairs "okay, don't come back late" she said. I went out and I didn't have to wait long before Tyler was already in his car. "Hey" I said and sat forward. "Hey babe" he said. During the drive he didn't want to tell me where we were going, I was curious and really wanted to know, but since he didn't tell me, I quickly posted a picture of my outfit.

 During the drive he didn't want to tell me where we were going, I was curious and really wanted to know, but since he didn't tell me, I quickly posted a picture of my outfit

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Liked by Rachel, Matt and 326 more

Rachel - you're so pretty girl ❤️
Matt - 🔥

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