Chapter 5

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Time skip - Thursday

I was lying in my bed with Tyler and we were cuddling and watching a movie. We hadn't spent time outside of school in a long time, so today was even more special. "Tomorrow is homecoming" I said and turned my head, which was on his chest, towards him. "We're going to beat their ass" he said with a grin. "I'm sure" I laughed. "Do you already know the lineup?" I asked. "Davon is goalkeeper, Jacob, Mason and Ryan are defenders, midfield players are Wyatt, Jax and Gavin. I are lined up as attacker" he said, did he forget me about Matt and Chris? "There are 10 players? What about Chris and Matt?" I asked, he rolled his eyes. "Megan, if I listed eight, you must be aware that they are playing as attackers" he said rough. What's going on now "okay, sorry" I said apologetically.

The front door rang and I immediately heard Alahna's room door open. "I go" she shouted loudly and I heard her stomping down the stairs. "Heyy" I heard her say downstairs and close the door. I heard footsteps on the stairs that sounded like a lot of people. "I'll go take a look" I said to Tyler, crawling out of my bed and opening the door and closing it behind me. "Hey" Matt said, wrapping me in a hug. That was the first time that one of the three greeted me like that, Nick waved from Alahna's room and called out "hey Megan". Matt also went into her room and I was standing at the banister and was about to go back to my room, but suddenly Chris was standing in front of me on the top step of the stairs. "Hey Megan" he said and it sounded different than usual, probably just my imagination, but he stood in front of me and looked at me, couldn't take his eyes off mine. "Hey Chris" I said as if hypnotized. "Come on Chris" Nick called from Alahna's room and then Tyler opened the door, "Tyler" Chris said with a nod to greet him and Tyler nodded back. "Why are you still standing there Megan?" he said and came out the door with his jacket in his hand. "Listen, my dad called, I have to go, we're picking my mom up from the airport" he said. "Okay" I said, he came up to me, gave me a quick kiss and then disappeared down the stairs and I heard the door close. I braced my hands on the railing behind me and let out a laud breath.

I went into the bathroom and leaned on the sink, what was that, it's so strange. I have a boyfriend and I'm happy with him. Chris is a friend of my sister and Rachel likes him. That's a fact and it stays that way, nothing will change. I closed the bathroom door behind me and strolled down the stairs. "Hi Dad" I said as he was just about to come in the door. "Hello Megan, my darling," he said and kissed me on the cheek. "Was Tyler here?" "Saw him coming towards me" he asked "yes, he just left when the triplets came" I said and went into the kitchen. "Is Alahna upstairs?" he asked "yes" I shouted. I heard him put down his business bag and walk up the stairs. "Hey honey, hello boys" I heard my dad say upstairs and heard all 4 of them say hello at the same time. I heard Alahna ask something but couldn't understand her, but I understood my father's answer. "Yeah she's making something to eat, should I tell her to come upstairs?" my dad said and came down. I was just finishing making my sandwich when my dad came over. "Honey, your sister wants you upstairs" he said and made himself a coffee. "Okay, can you make a few more sandwiches and bring them upstairs?" I said and grabbed my plate and went upstairs. I knocked on the door, opened it, took a step in and closed it behind me and then I looked around, everyone was sitting on Alahna's bed. "Hey" I said and sat down. Everyone greeted me a second time and I put my plate in the middle. "Take it, my dad will bring some more" I said. "What are you talking about?" I asked "just about tomorrow" said Alahna "School is canceled tomorrow" said Nick, looking at his phone. "What" Matt said and we all leaned over Nick's phone. "Sleepover" Alahna said in a sing-song tone and was interrupted by our father knocking on the door to bring us sandwiches "I heard Sleepover" he said laughing and brought the plate to the bed. "Do you guys want?" Alahna asked, everyone agreed. "Okay, then I'll tell Mom to bring pizza when she gets home from work tonight, okay?" my dad said and we all agreed. My dad went out and my phone rang. "Hey school is canceled tomorrow, wanna do Girls Night?" wrote Rachel. "Tyler?" Alahna asked "no Rachel" I said "uhh Chris's girlfriend" she laughed cheekily and nudged your arm. "Shut up, Alahna," Chris said and the others laughed. I texted her "Sorry Rach, having a sleepover with Alahna and the triplets. See you tomorrow?" But I didn't get a message from her all night. I checked my phone every few hours, but no message came from Rachel, that didn't go unnoticed. "Is everything okay? Why do you keep looking at your phone? Matt asked "yes, everything's fine, I think Rachel is mad at me" I said a bit sadly "why should she?" asked Chris "she asked me if I wanted to come over and I said that it wasn't possible because we have a sleepover" I said "RACHEL IS JEALOUS" Alahna laughed loudly and clapped her hands. "Alahna, that's not funny" I said, "sorry, but that's hilarious" she said, "text her to come over" said Nick. "NO" said Chris, Alahna and I at the same time. Wow, I never thought I wouldn't want to have her around. "Why?" he asked. "She only wants to come over because I'm here anyway" said Chris. "That's true" said Alahna and I to Nick at the same time. "Okay okay, no use to attacking me" he said, putting his hands up in defense and we laughed.

"Kids, Mom is here" my dad called and we all got up and left Alahna's room.

Note 💗
March 12, 2024

Truth - 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin