Chapter 13 The Great Lightning Dragon

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"Long, long ago, there was a great storm. Not a storm such as the ones in the sky above the world. No. It was a storm within the galaxy. Lightning flashed and crackled with such intensity that shockwaves rippled through space and time. In a flash of lightning brighter than any other, a dragon came to be," Ming said.

"The Great Lightning Dragon?" Jie asked.

"Of course," Ming said with a smile, "this dragon was made from lightning, and his command over it was supreme. His attacks were too deadly for anyone to withstand, and no warrior could even land a blow upon his mighty scales. Such was his speed!

"However, despite his great power, The Great Lightning Dragon was gentle. He was swift, decisive, and a terror to behold on the battlefield, but he soon grew tired of the endless conflicts throughout the galaxy. He wished for peace, and so he came here and made a world of his own," Ming said.

Jie's eyes went wide. "He made the whole planet?" she asked.

"Yes, I told you he was very powerful. This planet is his daughter, and he named her Xiannu because she's as beautiful as a fairy," Ming said.

"So... cultivators can make planets? Could I do that?" she asked.

"When you're strong enough, I don't see why not. But, you'll have to be extremely strong if you want a good planet," Ming said with a smile.

And, when Jie was silent, he continued, "He grew attached to a woman who came to his world, and they started a family. These were my ancestors. There was very little conflict in the world at this time.

"After all, few were stupid enough to cause trouble with The Great Lightning Dragon watching over everything. He took on nine disciples and taught them all he knew.

"Each grew to be powerful cultivators in their own right. However, one of the disciples had a heart filled with treachery. This disciple was Fang Zhuyu, and he longed to dominate his master's world.

"He murdered the innocents he was supposed to protect and consumed their souls to enhance his power. He went so far as to conduct a dark ritual that would warp the world of Xiannu herself to his twisted designs. When the other disciples learned of what he was doing, they confronted him. He slew seven of them before their master arrived," Ming said.

"Then what happened?" Jie asked.

"The Great Lightning Dragon battled Fang Zhuyu. Fang Zhuyu had grown strong, but not strong enough to best his master, and Yang Shandian defeated his disciple.

"But, despite the atrocities Fang Zhuyu had committed, Yang Shandian still saw him as the disciple he'd trained over thousands of years, and he couldn't bear to slay him.

"Instead, he imprisoned Fang Zhuyu, and mourned his dead disciples. Eventually, he could no longer bear to live in the world where his beloved disciples perished, and he left. Nobody knows where he went, though many set out to find him. As far as I know, none of them succeeded.

"Things were peaceful for a time. The last disciple stayed behind and taught new generations of guardians and established temples and outposts across the universe before he too left the world. Like his master, nobody knows where he went. Although there are many rumors. Some say he created his own world and settled there to live a quiet life. Others say he journeys through the universe in search of his master.

"But now, after six hundred thousand years, followers of Fang Zhuyu have appeared, bent on freeing their master. They are unimaginably powerful, and they attacked out of nowhere. They slaughtered the guardians and their disciples. Even our strongest warriors were not their match. We don't know where they came from or why they've chosen now to strike after so long, but each is marked by the foul touch of their master.

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