Chapter 47 Bodyguard

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"Look through the house. If you find anything that looks important, take note of it but don't touch it," The Headmaster said.

Vaultmaster Song looked over the enchantments within the residence as the other elders fanned out, each of them moving quietly and slowly and hesitating even to breathe.

Headmaster Siluvius stood near Vaultmaster Song and whispered, "Have you found anything?"

"The Essence gathering enchantments have been drowned out and rendered inoperable. I could fix them, but they'd simply flood with Essence and stop working again almost instantly in the middle of this maelstrom," Vaultmaster Song said.

"Are we in danger?" Headmaster Siluvius asked.

Vaultmaster Song shrugged. "Hard to say. Whatever the cause, it has not seen fit to kill us yet. There is little to be done except hope it continues to ignore us," he said.

Headmaster Siluvius nodded and checked over the house with the other elders. It didn't take long for them to look over everything. Especially as most of it was empty. Jie hadn't bothered to move in anything it seemed.

They met back in the room with the empty food platters. That's where the pull felt strongest. But there was nothing to be seen.

"It's time to go," Elder Shi said, "We've violated my student's privacy enough as it is."

Everyone nodded. Not all of them agreed with that statement, but who in their right mind would want to stay here?

Headmaster Siluvius stopped Vaultmaster Song as the rest filed out of the residence.

"We can't do anything about something of this level of power. But, if the enchantments continue to fail, it won't be long before the students start to take note. We could easily have a panic on our hands," Headmaster Siluvius said.

"Or have them all gather around it like slack-jawed idiots in the lair of a beast," Vaultmaster Song said, "You'd like for me to repair the privacy enchantments then?"

"Can you?" Headmaster Siluvius asked.

Vaultmaster Song considered that for a moment then nodded. "It won't be easy and I'll have to repair and maintain them frequently," he said, "It would go easier with Elder Shi's help."

"I'll speak with her privately later," Headmaster Siluvius said, "She'll help you. Even if only to safeguard her disciple."

"They've been growing close. Do you think Elder Shi knows more than she lets on?" Vaultmaster Song asked.

"Almost certainly," Headmaster Siluvius said, "but she's playing dumb."

"Probably just as well," Vaultmaster Song grumbled, "I'm happy to be as ignorant as the cause for this Essence draw wants me to be. I'll work on the enchantments later tonight. What do I tell anyone who asks questions?"

"Tell them the truth. You're performing maintenance. If they have any further questions, they're welcome to speak with me. I'll tell everyone to keep their mouths shut about what they sensed tonight. The last thing we need is for a bodyguard to be irritated by some moron yapping about their presence here," Headmaster Siluvius said.

Vaultmaster Song nodded. "Shall I return the enchantments to their previous levels or alter them so elders can sense fluctuations? It may give us some advanced warning should anything change," he said.

"Do so if you think it wise. Though I can't imagine any amount of advanced warning being enough if something of such power should choose to act against us," Headmaster Siluvius said.

It felt strange to talk about what he was certain was Jie's bodyguard while in the room with that very presence but attempting to hide their plans from them seemed more likely to provoke them. The last thing Headmaster Siluvius wanted was a misunderstanding.

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