Chapter 38 Ithilix Of The Hive

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"Liu Jie and Ithilix of The Hive!" said the judge.

Jie leaped up onto the stage, and her eyes went wide. Was there no end to how strange this world got? She'd seen some weird creatures so far, but this?

Ithilix stood opposite her, wearing fine silk, or the equivalent in this world. Its face looked human enough except the features were all sharp and angular. Like some of the weirder fantasy elves Jie had seen in artwork back on Earth. Its hair was in a bun atop its head, and its hands were human-ish. Except its fingers were hard and shiny, and no doubt so was the rest of its body beneath its robes.

Whether it was male or female, Jie had no idea. Its face was beautiful in a kind of creepy way but could easily have been an effeminate boy. Its chest seemed flat and its body had none of the curves Jie would associate with either sex. But this thing obviously wasn't human so... who knew?

Whatever it was, it radiated the aura of the first star of the Expert rank. A full two stars above Jie.

Ithilix gave a respectful bow, and Jie returned it. She was careful to show exactly as much respect. The crowd gasped and Jie frowned. Had she done something wrong again?

Ithilix smiled. "Their shock confuses you? This one appreciates your manners," it said.

Jie returned the smile. "I'll always return what is given me," she said.

Ithilix cocked its head as though considering that. Then, it gave a chittering sound. It sounded kind of like laughter. "This one likes that. This one likes that very much. You are an interesting... hmm?" it said. Its antennae quivered. Its smile grew then.

"This one is honored, Princess," it said, "Please allow this one to test your strength."

Jie frowned. What the hell? "Um... okay? I guess... I'll do the same?" she said.

Ithilix's smile grew until it was beaming.

Does everything I say make it happy? So weird.

"Let the fight... begin!" the judge said.

Ithilix didn't move, and though Jie cycled her lightning step technique, she didn't move either. Who knew what that thing could do? Its strength wasn't oppressive. Only a few stars above her own cultivation level, but it really creeped her out.

"You are below my cultivation, Princess. But, this one believes you can handle this one's true strength," Ithilix said.

It swapped between speaking fairly normally and speaking in super weird ways too. Was this not its normal language then? Jie wondered.

"I don't see why you shouldn't use your full strength," Jie said.

The crowd muttered and Jie's frown deepened. What the hell was she missing? Why did everything have to be so freaking weird? She was probably breaking more of their stupid customs. So freaking dumb. And why did it call her princess? Was that like a hive term for females or something? Ugh. If only Ming were here.

Ithilix inclined its head. "This one expected as much from one such as you. Please allow this one a moment," it said.

Jie expected the crowd to boo, or grow restless or something, but even the judge seemed enraptured by this scene. Jie wanted to hit one of them until they told her what the hell was going on.

Ithilix swept off its robes, revealing a hard, chitinous exoskeleton and far more revealing clothes beneath that better suited its strange body but left almost nothing to the imagination. Again, it looked feminine but Jie remained unsure.

It was slender, but Jie had no doubt it was incredibly strong. She felt a shiver run down her spine as Ithilix unfolded, rising a good two feet more. Its limbs had curved, serrated edges as though specially made to tear through flesh. A long tail with a sharp barb quivered behind it.

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