|| Chapter 6: Prey ||

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A week had passed after the show, (Y/N) noticed more accidents.. or well near death experiences kept occuring around her, just barely missing ending her life completely. This week left her feeling defeated and stumped, she had hoped the show would bring Alastor to trust her more and so she'd get the chance to ask about his voodoo magic. However, he seemed even more distant than he was before. His smiles seemed more sinister and every time she saw it she felt like...

His prey.

With her current experiences this week with almost dying at every corner, she was  beginning to wonder if Alastor finally decided to have her as his next victim. Yet it would go against everything he stood for. While he was murderer, he would only kill those he deemed deserved it. Like the dexter show her father used to watch as she grew up.

It was chilling experience, no matter what horrible pun she told. She no longer got enough a stuffed laugh. Only a glare. He also no longer asked her to fix his drinks, going to every other worker available.

It left her beyond confused and a little jealous.. which she hated even more because it just proves how attached she was to everything here and that disrupting the routine she grew used to, would leave her in her room.. laying in bed thinking of how to fix it.

She frowned.

She couldn't even fix her relationship with her adoptive mother.. so why does she even think she stands a chance to fix whatever friends she had with Alastor, someone she knew personally for a month but simper over for years.

The doorknob to her room jiggled, she immediately sat up. She was used to some drunk fellas attempting to open the door and always failing.. this one though. You can hear them quite literally picking the lock.

Her eyes immediately searched her room, looking for something to defend herself with. But of course, she was unlucky.

She was living with known murders and didn't even think to keep some form of a weapon for protection?

She scolded herself immediately getting up, her body tense as she prepare herself for whatever was about to come through her door.

It cracked open and tall shadow stood in the way, a firgure she recognized.

"Alastor?" She breathed out a sigh of relief. "For a second there I thought you were someone trying to..." she trailed off, everything clicking in her head at once. He only slowly chuckled, walking into her room and the door closing behind him with a soft click.

For the past week.. she had been experiencing near death experiences and Alastor just so happen to be distant during it all. Now.. he was alone with her in her room. Away from people, away from their eyes and ears.

He smiled at her wide expression watching as her gears clicked everything together. "I must say my dear, it was quite shocking you of all people knew what I was capable of." He walked closer, his arms behind his back as always. She stepped back, her back pressed into the wall immediately. Her room was only a closet after all.

His eyes glowed a dangerous green and red color, inhuman like. "A girl who was claimed to be lost in the woods.. who played innocent. I must say for a moment you had me fooled." He then gestured to her board, she swallowed thickly as she realized her very bulletin board she used to help herself is what endangered.

"Alastor-" she went to explain when a sudden tightness formed in her throat, like a collar. Her hand immediately went to grab her throat.

What is this? Why couldn't she speak the truth of her knowledge about him and where she was truly from. She was able to think of it freely or speak to herself about it.. but she never realized she could never speak to anyone else about it.

"How boring, now you decide to be silent?" He was how in front of her. She looked up at him, her (E/C) mixed with fear and confusion. A look he truly enjoyed compared to her poorly attempted mask she tried to keep. He liked it when she couldn't hide her emotions, when we wore them so easily. She tried to look away.

Yet, He merely hummed his hand coming up to grab her chin roughly and keep her head looking at him. "Yes.. I'd like to know how you could be such a clever little thing and fly under my radar for a bit too long.. a spy maybe? But it wouldn't explain your desperate desire to return to your 'home'." His voice was low, intoxicating, charming and terrifying. She found herself wanting to melt into his grip, but fear outweighed her complex feelings for the man before her.

She couldn't die here, she still had her dad to return to.. her younger brother Eden. She couldn't die here.

Alastor brought his hunting knife out, after a few moments of silence. "Yes.. I've decided I'm going to take out those beautiful eyes of yours first." His eyes were crazed, as he leaned forward. His left hand still holding a tight grip on her while his knife traced her cheek, she flinched when it broke some skin. She felt the burn and cold drop of blood running down her cheek.

He leaned forward and licked her wound. She froze.

He was truly sick in the head..

He paused, tasing her blood. "You taste a bit too sweet.. ironic for such a pretty liar like you." He smirked than, raised his knife. Ready to dig out her eyes again so she could never she him and his crimes any longer.

But when he swinged the knife down he expected to hear a scream. But instead he heard a thud sound as his nice collided with the wooden wall.. (Y/N) was gone.

Current year: 2024

(Hi! Sorry it took so long.. I've been working long hours at my job since my school let out for break. In the A/N I updated when I plan to upload more.. I plan to upload every Tuesday and Thursday at 12. That way the chapters are longer and way more planned out!

       Sincerely.. Smalls!)

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