|| Chapter 11: Tree House ||

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(Hi! Surprise chapter! I was writing this weekend and decided it would be a nice gift to get an early chapter to celebrate having 1k reads!!! thank you everyone and do not worry, I will still post another chapter on Tuesday at 12! -Smalls) 

She couldn't hide her excitement as the snow crunched under her feet. She had always loved snow, but never truly got to enjoy it because she would be stuck inside studying, ensuring she stayed at the top of her school. She glanced forward, Anthony hadn't said a word to her since they left for what she would assume was around an hour ago. 

The streets were empty, whom ever was homeless during this tragic time had sleeked shelter in warmer places. It was an eerie silence, the only sounds that could be heard was the wind blowing and their footsteps in the snow. Most stores were either closed down completely or just not open yet, other than another bar called Windrip's Cellar, it was Mimzy's rival bar. One she often complained about often. 

So (Y/N) recognized the flashing lights of its sign, arrows pointing towards its rather fancy glass door with black wood trimmings. The old brick surrounding it with layers of paint on it, done by the owners in order to compete with Mimzy's up to date style. Anthony only glanced at it, but quickened his pace as they got closer to the bar. Catching the older female off guard a bit as she quickens her own stops in order to keep up with him.

How a child was this fast was beyond her, but he was giving her a run for her own money. 

"Your sister-"

"Be quiet..." Anthony warned, shooting a glare back at her quickly. Her brows furrowed.

Did this kid ever catch a break? It was like he was always on the run, from his own family until he joined them, so his sister didn't have to. 

She was going to remain silent until a man rushed forward to try and grab Anthony, (Y/N)'s body moved faster her own mind at this point. Jumping forward to shove Anthony out the way. The grow man instead tackling her. Her body hit the ground, the snow moving with her while her head hit the ground with a sickening crack sound. She groaned.

The male cursed, "Miss I'm sorry, I wasn' paying attention." 

Anthony hid behind some boxes, peaking out to watch (Y/N) and the male.

She groaned rubbing the back of her head, she looked up at the male. His skin was pale, his eyes a sweet honey brown and his hair jet black. He smelled like straight alcohol, a scent she was becoming more and more accustomed to. To the point if she didn't smell it, it would be strange. 

"I thought I saw the kid who stole from the bar a couple days ago."

"So, you were going to tackle a child?" She glared standing up, smacking away his extended hand. 

"What? Kid's a thief!" The male spat, his hand recoiling to his side after she smacked it. 

"Thief or not, you are a grown man! You could have killed the boy and what would you have done then?" She glared, not backing down. The male looked confused, usually woman are timid and respect what most men would say or want them to do. However the woman before him refused to do that, which soured his mood. 

"Run along now, before I call the coppers!" She threatened, or at least she hoped it seemed threatening enough. The male glared, before mouthing off and walking back to the bar. One that now even (Y/N) hated, she would have to apologize to Mimzy for ever doubting her. She looked around, trying to spot Anthony.

"Anthony?" She called but stopped when she felt someone hug her from the side. A smaller frame, one of the boys. she sighed, happy he was okay and rubbed his back with hand. "You are okay kid, it happens." 

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