|| Chapter 17: Magic ||

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Date: June 20th, 1930

(Y/N) stared at the can on her floor. Her brows furrowed in concertation. It had been five days since Mimzy's passed and five days since she learned about those weird magic portals she had 'created'. The bar remained closed; however, Alastor had enough money to help keep the bar running (whenever they decided to open it again) and to keep her feed, which she was against at first, but he insisted. 

She groaned as she once again failed to make another portal, she flopped backwards. Her back laying against her (F/C) sheets. Her mind was racing to try and connect what caused her to use magic. She lifted up her hands, looking at them. Was it entire magic or was it body trying to reject itself from this world?

She didn't know.

She thought she could control it, which is why she got away from James. Yet another thought lingered, what if she couldn't control. It could've occurred due to the distress she was in and her body or rather soul reacted to protect itself. 

The what ifs circled her head and fear began to bubble in her stomach. She was afraid that it wasn't truly magic but rather the world rejecting her, corrupting her soul just like 'God' said it would. Yet it didn't make sense, she still had four years here. 

"THIS SUCKS!!" She yelled throwing a pillow over her face to stop her mind from racing. She was tired of thinking, she wanted things to return to normal, but they never could. Mimzy was gon-

She paused.

She slowly sat up; she wanted things to return to normal. Had she truly gotten so attached to this like that she willingly thought of it before her family. She bit her lip, staying wasn't possible yet nor was going home. She was just stuck and the way of life she knew here was slowly crumbling. 

"Enough!" She said, slapping her face. She had enough with thinking again, she needed to relax and try to help Alastor will Mimzy's funeral. He was completely against it at first, claiming he could do it by himself however (Y/N) begged, for three days. He finally gave in; she believed it was because she annoyed him and nothing more. She smiled recalling the annoyed sigh that left his lips as he finally agreed. 

Alastor, while he was still his usual seemingly uncaring, manipulative self, had a few small aspects to him that made her simp just a little more. Like his small gestures like hugging or holding her hand. He was known to only touch others to make them uncomfortable and easier for him to trick. However, when he did touch her, he always hesitated before he did it. Like the idea slightly disgusted him, but he didn't want to tell her no. 

She slipped off her bed and flicked the can she failed to transport to her time. She laughed as it flew forward a little bit, before she headed to her closet for a change of clothes. She slipped out her night gown into a simple white summer dress. She then slipped on her flats, putting her slippers under her bed. 

She then worked on her hair, that she began to notice it was getting longer. She could stop by a barber on her outing today... get a few inches cut off. She wasn't entire sure. She shrugged to herself, fixing up her hair in the latest trending style.

She never realized how much work it was to put her hair into a marcel wave (Reference photo will be provided at the end of the chapter!). However she was getting better at it, a fact she was proud of. 

"At least I can get this to work for me..." She mumbled adding the last few touches to it before she was ready for her day. She grabbed her purse and headed out the door, locking the bar behind her. It was strange knowing Alastor was in the process of trying to get the bar under her name, after all Mimzy's didn't have any descendants or a will. Yet it was still a tendinous process, after all the gang was putting a lot of money for the bar. Alastor reassured her money wasn't the issue but rather the legal process. She decided to drop it and let Alastor handle that part, he was a busy man... radio show and his darker side of course. 

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