Chapter 12: True color

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Jameson waited for Candy outside the house, he was looking handsome as usual having his blonde hair falling one side of his face.

Soon Candy appeared looking smart and sexy on the office attire he had bought for her to wear. Her black hair was tied into bun, her make up was light and she had this smile that warms ones heart.

"How do I look?" Candy asked Jameson with a grin.

"Hmm, I hope all the male workers focus on their job today" Jameson teased and they both chuckled.

On their way to the company, Candy applied more red lipstick on her face. She need to look good on her first day of work.

"Nervous?" Jameson asked.

"Very nervous" Candy replied. "I hope everyone likes me there"

"You knew about business strategy from your father so you should have no problem" Jameson said but Candy face dropped a little. "They are going to like you, you don't need to worry"

Getting to the company, Candy's eyes flew wide open in awe and her lips parted with shock. This is extremely rich and beautiful.

"No way" Candy muttered. This is the Gonzalez cooperation.. she had only seen this place on papers and TV. And now she is standing right before it.

"This way" Jameson led her in. The workers bow their head gently to him and he replied to them with a nod.

"Hey James! You look handsome!" One of the female workers exclaimed.

"You too Camille" Jameson said with a wink.

"Gosh, he is so kind" The female worker squealed.

"Who is that behind him though. A new worker?"

"Oh I heard President sacked the previous Secretary just because she let Mrs. Hannah in" Here friend said.

"What, that's so cold. She is pretty"

"I love her smile"

"Hey punk" Yazmine appeared before them. She is also and employee in the Gonzalez cooperation. A manager of the production team, fast and reliable with her work.

"This is my crazy big sis, Yazmine" Jameson introduced and got a glare in return.

Candy gave her a light bow. "Hi, I'm Candy. Nice to meet you" She greeted.

Yazmine gasped when she heard the name.

"Candy? Oh Gawd Jameson bought his girlfriend to work" Yazmine clasps her hands.

"Ah geez" Jameson pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Girlfriend? Oh I and James are not together"

"Why not, he seems to like you" Yazmine pouted.

"Yazmine! I never said that" Jameson exclaimed.

"Bye, I need to work. I'll see you around Candy" Yazmine said, and quickly walked pass them.

"Your sister is pretty" Candy chuckled.

"And crazy too" Jameson added and the both made their way to the elevator up to to the 99th floor where the CEO stays.

Candy face became a bit nervous with the thought of facing this man again. When the door open, she found him discussing with lady dressed in a gorgeous gown which barely covers her breasts and lap. She has this slutty look on her face.

Candy felt irritated by the scene.

Diego shifted his gaze to her, it was devoid of emotion like he doesn't know her from anywhere. He turn his head back to the lady.

"Leave, I have a business to deal with" He told her and her face contorted into a sad one.

"I'll see you again, President" She grab her bag and sway her ass while leaving.

"Take her to the finance team" Diego search for a paper and gave them to Jameson.

Candy gave Diego one last look before leaving the large office. He acted like she meant nothing to him, why is she feeling bad?

Jameson led her to a group of people busy with their system. They all greeted Jameson with respect.

A slightly chubby woman walked forward and greeted with a smile.

"This Mrs. Brielle, she would be the one to train you" Jameson introduced the woman to her.

"I'm Candy Jefferson" Candy introduced herself to the woman with a handshake.

"Jefferson?" One of the worker exclaimed but got a look from Brielle.

"Welcome dear, I hope you'll have a good time working with us" Brielle smiled.

"Thank you"

"We'll sure train her good Mr. Jameson" Brielle spoke politely.

"I'll be off then" Jameson said and left.

Brielle immediately stood upright and her face turn cold. She folded her arms and took Candy in closely.

"Jefferson?" Brielle asked in a mocking tone.

"Uh yeah..."

"Allow me to say the rules to you. Rule number one, don't mess me. Rule number two, do only as I say. Rule number three do not talk back at me no matter what. Break any of the rules, and you'll lose your job. Am I clear Jefferson?" She asked, giving Candy a superior look.

"Yes ma'am"

Brielle folded her arms wondering where she should start.

"Clean my shoes using your sleeve" Brielle demanded.


"What does rule number three says?" Brielle asked and Candy's smile slowly fade.

"Why should I do that, you can clean them yourself" Candy said. Other workers in the place bite down their lips. Yeah, Brielle is a chubby bitch who makes work miserable for them especially newbies.

"Tssk.. you just broke the three rule"

"As far as those rule aren't from the president and legit then I'm not following them" Candy said, her face was innocent but one shouldn't be deceived by it. She was slowly fuming in anger.

"I'm your supervisor and I can throw you out of this company if I want" Brielle warn, her voice dripping with threats.

"Then you should do the right thing and stop using your power to oppress those below you" Candy said, still having that smile on her face. She is trying her best to keep her calm.

Brielle scoffed at her word.

"And what if I do this?" Brielle asked and in the next moment, she slapped Candy hard across the face.

Her head tilted one side with her lips bleeding a little at one side. Candy reached for her lips, the moment she saw the small blood on her finger, her anger took all over her.

Her smile disappeared and her aura turn cold. Other workers could feel the tension.

"What are you gonna..." Brielle didn't finish her word when Candy suddenly grab her by the hair, dragged and hit Brielle's head on the wall hard.

"Fuck!" Brielle cursed and her head spin. Candy didn't stop there. She reached for a hot coffee before a worker and immediately pour the hot liquid on her face.


Candy squeeze the cup and shove it directly into Brielle's mouth causing her to choke, her eyes began teary.

"Don't fuck with me" She warned coldly.

Other workers were shocked to their bones and their lips fell apart.

From a distance, two figures stared at the scene blankly. They both had their hands tucked into their pocket. Jameson and Diego.

None of the workers noticed them.

"First day at work and she showed her true color" Jameson stated with a smile.

Diego lips slowly curled up to a dark smirk.

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