Y/n gets a pet!

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I don't own this picture!

This is a request from @AlphaGodzilla97, hope you enjoy! 


After I hung with April and Casey at the ice rink again, I was heading home when I hear the Kraang, talking and one of them was holding an egg. 

"Kraang must take that which is know as experiment 435 to the place which is the place called Kraang headquarters." Kraang stated. 

"Not if I can help it, you won't." I muttered as I hid in the shadows and brought out my katanas. 

"The one that is known as experiment 435 is critical for Kraang." Kraang stated. 

"Hey, Kraang! Hand over that egg!" I stated, getting their attention. 

"Kraang will not hand over the egg which is known as experiment 435 to the one called the girl." Kraang stated. 

"Fine, have it your way." I stated as I quickly took out the Kraang and grabbed the egg. 

I jumped onto a rooftop with the egg after making sure that no other Kraang were around. 

"So, little egg, what are you going to be? A bird, maybe a little turtle?" I asked the egg and it started moving. 

"You can hear me, can't you little fella?" I asked the egg and it moved a little more. 

"I have a feeling, you're gonna hatch soon, maybe even tonight. Better get you to the lair and away from the Kraang." I stated and the egg shivered a little. 

Whatever was in the egg is afraid of the Kraang, another reason to get it out of the Kraang's grasp. 

I get back to the lair and I see Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey on the couch. 

"Hey, Y/n, how was the-what the heck is that?" Raph asked, referring to the egg. 

"I don't know, I was on my way home from hanging out with April, when I had to fight the Kraang and they were holding this egg, calling it 'experiment 435'. I don't know what they were planning on doing with it or what it even is." I said and the egg moved again. 

"Wow, the egg moved!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"If they Kraang want it, then they must be up to something again." Donnie stated and the egg shivered. 

"Guys, stop. Don't say that word, it scares the little guy in here." I said as I rubbed the egg. 

"What word? Kraang?" Mikey asked as the egg shivered again. 

"Yes, Mikey, that word, whatever happen to the little guy, they felt and heard everything." I said as the egg started moving again and it didn't stop. 

The egg cracked, it was hatching. 

"It's hatching!" Me and the boys said in unison, me out of joy and the boys out of fear. 

Then I saw a little





"A little dragon?" I asked as I walked up to is slowly and knelt down next to it. 


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