The Legend of the Kuro Kabuto

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In the turtle's lair, Father in his dojo, mourning about Karai's imprisonment in the last episode, Leo watches Father with a sympathetic expression on his face. Leo decides to not bother Father and goes to the living room. Leo exits the dojo dejectedly as Raph arrives with pizza.

"Pizza's here." Raph stated. 

Mikey and Donnie turn around excitedly to see the pizza.

"You got one pizza? I'm like a two pizzas all by myself guy." Mikey stated. 

"Would you relax?" Donnie asked. 

"Pizza is mine. Booyakasha!" Mikey exclaimed as he used a smoke bomb. 

"Mikey!" Raph exclaimed. 

"I cannot believe you'd do that." Donnie stated. 

Mikey is on the ground searching for the pizza.

"Ah! Where's the pizza?" Mikey asked. 

"How can you guys fool around like this when Karai needs our help?" Leo asked. 

"Ugh, not this again." Raph groaned. 

"We have to rescue her." Leo stated. 

"Look, maybe she believes Splinter is her father, but she was still raised by Shredder. You think she's gonna turn on him just like that?" Raph asked. 

"Yes, I do. Now am I the leader of this team or not?" Leo asked. 

"More or less." Raph stated. 

"More or less? So Leo's only the leader until he tells you to do something you don't want to? Forget this, I'm gonna check out Shredder's lair, see if it has any weak points. Maybe if I can get into the dungeon, I can find my parents." I stated.

I was about to leave, but then Leo spoke up. 

"Wait, you can't just go to Shredder's lair by yourself. We're in this together, remember?" Leo asked. 

"We'll come with you." Donnie stated. 

"But this doesn't mean we're going in, even if we find your parents." Raph stated. 

"Pizza. Pizza. Pizza? Pizza?" Mikey asked. 

"Come on." Raph stated as he dragged Mikey by his shell. 

Outside in the Shellraiser.

"I'm thinking we might have better luck if we tunnel up from underneath Shredder's lair." I stated. 

"Ooh, what if we tunnel down from above? That'll really confuse 'em." Mikey stated. 

"You can't tunnel down from... ugh! We're not tunneling from anywhere. We can't do this. Karai was raised by Shredder. She's one of the bad guys. And how do we even know if your parents are even here, Y/n?!" Raph asked. 

"I have my ways of getting information, Raphael. I suggest that you stay out of my business. If Shredder has my parents, this is between me and him. Now that he has Karai, I have three people to get back. Father can finally have his real daughter back and I can have my real parents back." I stated. 

Donnie sees something on computers. One computer is normal and the other computer has infrared light. While the can't be seen on a normal camera, he can be visibly seen in an infrared light camera. Donnie sees this.

"Huh? Is that a guy? Leo, hit the brakes. Hit the brakes!" Donnie exclaimed. 

Leo stopped the Shellraiser and the crashed down. They look outside.

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