Chapter 14

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At the actual asscrack of dawn, Nick showed up to Estella's house to take her on their date. Knowing that she would be exhausted, he even brought her a red bull in the biggest size they had. Estella had a sleepy grin plastered on her face at the sight of the Red Bull.

Dealing with grumpy Estella was worth it as he also got to see sleepy Estella.

She quickly got dressed in her favorite overall shorts and a floral shirt. Even dead tired she was conscious of trying to hide a certain scar.


"So when are finally going to tell me where we're going? Or is this some type of murder plan?" Estella asks with a groggy voice, she had finally woken up from her nap, laying across Nick's lap. His hands softly braiding strands of her hair.

Nick laughs, grabbing the unopened Red Bull from his bag. "You'll see when we get there. Now drink your liquid death."

To Nick's dismay, Estella sits up so she can drink. "What's your favorite color?"

"Wow that was random. Uhh probably orange." He glances over at Estella's scrunched up face before explaining. "Not that type of orange, more like soft, like the sunset orange."

"Who knew you were such a poet." Estella teases him, picturing that soft orange in her mind.

"I aim to please. Now what's your favorite color? It's only fair."

"I really didn't think this through- maybe like dark blue." Estella sips on her Red Bull thoughtfully. "That rhymed. Guess you're not the only poet here."

"I think the caffeine is seeping into your brain." He smirks at the offended glare on Estella's face.

Estella gives him a crooked smile. "You know you love it."

I love y-

"Indeed I do."

"Who the fuck says indeed anymore you dork?"


"Are you sure you're not looking?" Nick asks as Estella walks off the train, his hand covering her eyes.

Estella trips on the slightest crack in the road. "Considering I almost ate shit, no I don't think I am."

"We're nearly there. I promise." He leads her a little while longer before finally moving his hand away from her eyes.

"No fucking way! The beach?!" Estella looks back at Nick with a giant grin.

"Yeah surprise!" He grins at her, practically bouncing in excitement. She grabs Nick's hand and takes off running to see the view.


The two practically run through the town. Starting at the carousel and Nick practically falling off as soon as it started moving.

Nick somehow even remembered Estella telling him about the strawberry ice cream she used to get at the coast.

"You remembered?" Estella asks, her face all scrunched up as Nick payed for the ice cream.

Nick turns to her with the cones in each hand and quickly steals a kiss before smirking. "Of course Ella. How could I not?"

They decide to sit on the pier and eat their strawberry ice cream. Estella can feel tears prick her eyes and she didn't quite know if it's from the memories or the way the sight of the ice cream seemed to bring a knot in her chest.

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