Chapter 20

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Eventually the chatter died down and the hushed whispers stopped, leaving Estella spiraling in her thoughts. She had thought that turning over might help but she knew that she was fucked as soon as her head fit the pillow.

There was no way she was going to get any sleep. Estella was surprised she had fallen asleep on the bus in the first place. But thanks to that, there would be no sleeping on this trip.

The layout couch was cold and springy. Usually that would be fine, but not when every movement creaked and groaned. And she missed Nick, as corny as that sounded. The bed was too cold and Nick was basically a furnace.

Her thoughts bounced back and forth. And the very moment she closed her eyes it sent her mind spiraling. Estella could still feel the cold metal on her shoulder. She couldn't tell if it was a spring or that phantom that never went away, a symbol of her mother's hatred.

She almost considered texting Nick but there was no way he'd be awake at 1:09 in the morning. So she lay there and waited for the sun to say hi and warm her aching, shivering body.


"How long have you been up? You look dead." Darcy exclaimed bluntly as Estella was pulling her clothes out of her suitcase.


Estella so badly wanted to just ignore it but that would probably be considered rude and she did not want to make anyone mad. "I didn't sleep well."

"Yeah we can tell!"


Estella ignored their whispers as she went into the bathroom to get changed into her baggy overalls, white T-shirt and Charlie's cardigan that she had stolen.

Looking in the mirror felt like a Tim Burton character was looking back. She quickly splashed her face with cold water and brushed her teeth.

Hopefully no one would notice the ever growing bags under her eyes.


Nick 👤, Stella🦈

Nick 👤
I wish we could sleep together
WHOA that came out all wrong
Yknow what I mean

Stella 🦈
But yeah my bed was cold and creaky last night
I need my personal furnace
How'd you sleep?

Fine I had to sleep in the same bed as Isaac which was fine although he stayed up really late reading some book
He said that you were going to read it next

I forgot my weighted blanket.

Nick 👤
So not good then

Stella 🦈

Nick 👤
See you at breakfast love ❤️

Stella 🦈
See you soon 💗


"No I'm not really hungry. You grab something though." Estella waved off Nicks offer of a croissant, feeling sick to her stomach.

Nick furrowed his brows at her refusal. "You sure?"

"Yeah of course. I will take some coffee though. Make it black as my soul please."

"Your soul is light blue at the most darling. And just coffee will make you sick." He said as he started the coffee maker regardless.

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