Chapter 18

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After the whole Paris meeting, Nick and Estella agreed that they'd meet up at the end of exams party. But that was a couple hours away so Estella decided to change out of her uniform into one of her favorite white dresses with a black tank top underneath as the dress dipped down a little too far for her liking.

It was a relatively cute outfit and Estella felt okay in it. She used to wear dresses everyday, no matter the weather. That quickly changed when she saw how cruel the world could be to a little girl in a pink dress.

"Where are you going all dressed up like that? Hot date?" Sirius teased Estella as she walked into the kitchen.

Estella was quick to flip him off, before reaching around him to grab a cup. "It's the end of exams party and it's not that much. It's just a simple dress."

"They still do the end of exams party? Can I go?" Sirius asked with his best puppy eyes.

"I guess. But you won't know anyone there."

Sirius thought for a moment before counting out the people he would know. "I'll know you and Charlie and Nick and Tao and-"

"Okay I get it. Never mind. I'm leaving in an hour so be ready."

"Yes ma'am."


"This definitely isn't legal is it?" Isaac asked as they all walked down the path through the woods.

Tori side eyed a group of people shotgunning a beer."Nope."

"But where's the fun in legal?" Sirius smiled charmingly at his old friend Tori who rolled her eyes.

Estella could feel her heart racing at the sight and smell of the alcohol. Thank god for Nick and the firm grip he had on her hand. Otherwise she might have turned straight around.

"Darcy's not replying to any of my messages. I'm gonna go find her." Tara quickly walked off to find her girlfriend.

James then ran up to Isaac offering him a drink and the two went off together.

"Look after him or you die." Sirius smiled menacingly at Nick.


"We will find you." Tori added on before the two walked off to find some drinks.

Nicks brows furrowed and he started to blink rapidly. Almost as if he was fighting off a headache.

Estella immediately thought something was up with Nick."What's up?"

"I'm fine. Just a headache."

"We can always leave. I might have some advil?" Estella began searching through her dress pockets with no luck.

Nick finally met her eyes reassuringly. "I'm fine. I promise."

Everyone was screaming with the joy of being done with exams. And while Estella felt happy for them, her insides felt like jelly.

Drunk people were the worst. You never knew if they were going to start crying, throwing up or yelling at you.


Redamancy   ✽Nick Nelson x fem!oc✽Where stories live. Discover now