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I spent the next three weeks recovering. Caleb and Sebastian did more damage than they thought they did. Their plans was to kill me, it would have worked if Damian hadn't showed, I mean, I did die for like a hot minute, also scared the shit out of everyone especially Damian but I guess I needed to die because if what happened hadn't, I wouldn't have known that he truly cares about me. That probably low on reasons to stay dead but while I was practically dead, Damian warmed his way into my heart and head, figuratively and literally, it was not something I've experienced before. I could feel his heart and emotions when he spoke to me while I was fighting the grim reaper for freedom. He doesn't know I know and I plan to keep it that way because him knowing is just another reason to keep us apart.

"Come on, Camille, you have to wake up, please, you need to wake up. I need you. This world is pointless without you in it, I know I've been an asshole, a jerk, I'm all the names you call me and I would give anything to be called those names again. I was created to serve the Kingdom of El, and I've been doing that since I was old enough to do so, but you are only member of that house that makes me forget why I was created in the first place because you're only one that makes me forget that I'm not human, that I don't belong here. Camille, you are my one, I've not showed you but I love you, Camille Raven Stark. I don't know what love means but I was thinking we could explore it together. And to do that, you need to wake up. Please."

He finished his speech with a soft kiss on my lips. So very cliche but that did it. It got my heart beating again, blood started pumping, I guess the grim reaper took pity on him.

It was hard the first time because I had to heal and feel the pain all over again. Damian made the right choice by removing the bracelet the time he did because if he hadn't, I would have been dead. So in a way I owe him my life... again.

The Caleb Sinclair chapter has finished and somehow it has been upgraded in the book of Earth's greatest Evil. I asked if Damian was the one writing it but he denied. I'm curious about who the author of that large book is but for the first time in my life, I decided not to give in to my curiosity.

Alicia almost died and it was all because of me. It's like deja vu with when Jessica and I would explore together. People always get hurt, and I don't need that on my conscience. Although, Alicia is okay now, she was hurt bad, Damian said she was passed out when he saw her because of the enchanted rope Sebastian used to restrain her. I can't believe that idiot tried to bring back his father using my blood, it's a good thing it didn't work out because bringing someone back from dead always comes with a string attached, a very high fucking price that I'm not sure he would not be ready to pay.

Turned out Caleb was the bad, always has been. His twin sister was reckless and was an easy target but Caleb was the superior gemini, the asshole was a vampire. A fucking vampire! I never saw that shit coming, well, that and the fact that he was working with Sebastian Holmes. I guess I shouldn't even be surprised, at this juncture anything and everything is possible.

I've been staying at the mansion for the past weeks, Damian thought it would be good for me to recover here especially when Jessica and I aren't exactly on the same page, and I doubt Alicia will want to hang out again. I guess it was fun while it lasted.

Today is the last day of the House Contest, and even though I've been disqualified from participating, I still want to know which house won.

"Damian!" I shout his name when I get to the living room and notice his absence. He's the only one that can get me back to school.

We've spent every minute of the past days together because he doesn't want me to be alone and bored. We've been watching Pretty Women, I can't count how many times we've seen that movie, God! I don't think I've ever seen anyone as much as I've seen Julia Roberts. Even though he doesn't want me to be bored by playing the same movie over and over again, I realized later on that he actually loves the movie, he refuses to see any other movie. Anyway, I'm bored out of mine, being with him all the time is fucking suffocating, don't get me wrong I appreciate the company but he acts like my bodyguard instead of a companion or even love interest.

The Transference जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें