chapter 5

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(📝ima start making chapters a bit shorter)

Roses pov:

I actually had fun on that motorcycle, ever since I rid that thing w my uncle as a kid and I fell off, I promised myself I'd never ride one again.

Yet here I am.
Though it was fun and I didn't fall off this time.

He drove me through the bridge and the city,
School ended at 3pm.

And he drove me around for 1hour , so I got home at 4.

But something was waiting for me

My dad.

I opened the front door and got in, the smile on my face didn't last long as soon as I saw him.

He was on the couch.
His arms crossed.
A beer in his hand.
He looked mad.

"You're late. " he coldly said
"Where were you. "

"I was just... Going around for a while after school... I'm only an hour late. " I stuttered.

"And what was that boy doing with you hm? " he said w a bit of rage in his voice

Uh oh.

"I was just walking around with him. Nothing much, he's a nice guy" but then I realized what he meant.

"I swear nothing like that happened! " I said

He was silent.

He took a sip of the beer, got up from the couch and walked up to me.

He held my wrist tight.

"If you're late again.. " he said through gritted teeth
"Especially with a guy. " he glared. Shaking my wrist as he spoke.
"I swear to God, I'll make you regret every minute you spent. " he finally finished and let go of my wrist aggressivly.
"Go to your room. " he spoke turning around and going back to his couch.

I stood there silently for a little while before I actually went to my room.

I don't know how the hell my dad manages a company, yet he drinks a lot at the same time.
That dudes weird.

Anyway, I didn't cry. I couldn't let a single tear fall from my eyes, I just wouldn't let myself. Bc I know that's what he wanted.

I didn't regret what I did though, and it kinda made me feel good about myself a bit.

I walked into my room closed the door took a deep breath and acted like what happened didn't happen.

I put on some headphones and just started doing my homework for the day, since he ruined my mood for doing anything fun.

Just then I got a message from reggina


Reg(Girl! Guess
Who asked me out!!)

Reg(Girl! Guess Who asked me out!!) (Screenshot)

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