chapter 6

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(Wsg y'all miss me already? 😻)


Readers pov:-

Reggina and rose have become good friends.

While Dan and sunny hated each other though deep down they really did enjoy each other's company.

((At school)) ((the next day))

Reggina was walkin through the school hall to get to her locked when she spotted rose.
She was wearing the same dress as her just in a different color.
Rose was wearing a short black dress while reggina was wearing the same one but in pink.
Reggina catwalked over to rose.
"Hey girl! "

"Hiii" rose said with a warm smile
"Im aware that my style in cloths is iconic but you don't need to copy me" reggina scoffed joking
"Hey look were matching, you should be honored" rose says lowering her gaze comparing their dresses.
"Pardon me? You should be honored" reggina rolled her eyes "anyway let me tell you about chains" she whispered

Rose shoved her bag into her locker before closing it and leaning on her side onto the locker, crossing her arms as she says "oh yeahh, how'd the date go? " rose asked though she already knew the answer.

"Well it definitely wasn't the best date I've had" reggina said
"The man was on his phone for half of the date and the other half he was picking his nose" reggina complained frustrated.

"Man? " rose gasped a bit
"Honey that's a 'boy' you're talking about not a man. "
She corrected
"Seriously get you someone that'll treat you right".

" I know but... " reggina stumbled over her words a bit "he took me on a little shopping spree after soooo.. " she stretched her words a bit as she spoke slowly
"Still that doesn't make him more of a man" rose frowned her eyebrows.
As soon as she said that chains came down the hallway spotting reggina.

He walked up to her and winked at her "how's my girl? " he said with a flirtatious tone.

"Great" reggina responded coldly like she couldn't have a care in the world.
Rose just stayed silent but didn't move from her place.

Chains didn't even seem to notice how bothered reggina seemed by her voice, it's like he shrugged it off.

"Hey babe sorry but I can't go on that date I promised you today I have aaaaa.... A doctors appointment.. " chains said not even a hint of guilt in his voice

"Really? What for?? " reggina asked knowing it's all bullshit.
"Uhhh I have this.. Um- this is a bit embarrassing but.. " chains said lowering his voice to a whisper but rose could still hear.

"My ass !...cheek is swollen... And I really need to get that checked out" chains said making that up on the spot as you could tell by the stuttering of his words.
Both reggina and rose noticed obviously but no one said anything about that.

"Alright sure dude" reggina said shoo'ing him off with a hand gesture.
"Great thanks babe" chains winked again before walking away.
"Your 'man's' standards are throught the floor, I can litterly see his gucci boxers sticking out. " rose turned to reggina
"I know it's horrible, just give me a week and I'll dump him I swear I can't stand him " reggina rolled her eyes

"Dump who? " sunny apeared from behind reggina.
Now sunny looked more annoyed than annoying.

"Oh I'm dating chains " reggina rubs it in Sunny's face knowing that sunny won't be happy about it.

"Why he's a total douche? " sunny responded a little irritated now.
"Why? does it bother you? " reggina tilted her head mockingly.

"Well yeah if he treats you like shit, it does" sunny admitted his hands in his pockets still.

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