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Middle school

I have been going to this school for almost a whole year now and I have tons of friends. Thats exactly what my mom thinks but reality is different. I want friends but we don't always get what we ask we?

I am a quite shy nerdy little girl with two pigtails and uneven teeth those need braces.

Today begins  the last week of school before summer break . As always my mom thinks I am excited to go to school offence but even the people who have friends hate that place.
I have always wanted a tight group of  people people . I have seen other kids hangout together , they even visit the arcade, go to picnics , meet up for playdates , and what not . I have always wanted to do that but I never had the luxury to..

My mom always asks me why aren't my friends normal and visit home ..?
I just tell her we all like to study more .
I don't want her to take stress of this shit too . ..

My father already is doing great in the department where my mom has to take shits and I don't want to contribute.

So with these thoughts I get ready for school and I am sliding downstairs for breakfast. My house has a slide....okay I am kidding..
The stairs make a squeaking sound whenever I step on them because I am kinda chubby and I slide down.

The stairs have always reminded me to lose weight along with my beloved mother.
I love her truly but sometimes she behaves as if my looks are everything. She makes me feel that if I don't look slim , hourglass figure, clear skin , plump lips...then I won't be successful and confident.

According to me thats absurd. I'll make a career for myself by my abilities not by those stupid beauty standards.

Anyways back to breakfast. ..
I walk into the kitchen and see my mom standing by the stove
" Morning mum" I let out throat being hoarse as its 6:00 am in the morning.
I am an early bird
" Breakfast isn't ready yet. How do you even manage to be ready so early ?"  -MOM

" I like things to be pre planned mum. I don't wanna be rushed and then accidentally forget something and ruin my own day.
You can take your time preparing breakfast.
I'll just catch up with today's upcoming school stuff." - AMELIA

" But school doesn't start till 7:30 you know? "- MOM

" I do" I say as I have already taken out my books and start scanning through the pages.
I notice by the corner of my eyes that my mom is looking at me ..with a proud smile.

She love me...and these habits she wanted me to have ...make her even more happy.
She wants me to become perfect and be  extraordinary from all the kids my age.
This one thought is what me and my mom share and are also deeply bonded by.

She has been my best friend ever since I could talk.

A cup of tea is placed in front of me after a few minutes.
" You know I can make my own tea mum. Please don't do these for me . I am a grown up aren't I? "

" Stop being such a adult... you're just a kid ..
Be grateful that I am handing this to you
I promise you the day you turn 16 I'll only be cooking food for you. " Mom says in a playful tone.

" We both know you will never agree to that mum . But please try... I don't want burden you" I say and go back to my work.

I don't like troubling her. She always does so much for the family. I think she deserves to be treated like a Queen. I just wish my father thought so too.

So after I get my studies done I look at the time, its already 6:50 so I need to have breakfast and be on my way to school.

" Mom !! Breakfast?" I semi-yell

" Come get it , I am almost done" mom yelled back.

My dad was not up yet and I always made sure not to be greeted by his presence in the morning as he has a face which ruins it for me..

After breakfast I leave my house at 7:10 am
Luckily I live close to the bus stop and its only a 10 min drive to school to I'll be dot on time.

Let the day begin.....and as always I hope to make friends but we all know how that goes right.

At school

I reach school on time and head to my locker after marking my attendance. Yes! My school does have an attendance system.

Everyone around me seems cheery as its the last week we all have to attend here ...
Mostly children hate school because of waking up early and homework but I am opposite I love all the things that come with school but I hate the fact that I don't have friends. I really hate holidays and breaks because I have no friends to spend with them , no playdates to attend, no one to go to park with, no one to share my sugary treats with....

This just makes me feel sad and you must have noticed I hate being lonely.

In my thoughts I just walk mindlessly to my class... I do have the way byhearted already so I don't really pay attention and BUMPPP!!

" I am really sorry! Are u okay? " I hear a girl say. She doesn't really look from my grade ... but then again I don't really know people around.

" Its fine ... I am sorry too I wasn't paying attention" I said looking up .
I was met with a really beautiful set of eyes
, not that I am a lesbian but I appreciate beauty when I see it.

" By any chance are you Amelia?" The girl asked

" Umm yeah! How do you know me ? I haven't really seen you around here? Are you a classmate of mine…?" I say balancing myself from the almost fall I just had

"Duhh...! You don't remember me silly...
I am Amanda.. from kindergardern remember? " She says.. looking really excited as I try to remember...

When did I suck at remembering people..
" You fought your best friend as he was ruining the sand castle I made on our beach trip from kindergarten? Does that ring a bell?"

I try and remember...the beach trip was something I do remember as It was with bestest friend and only friend * sad emoji inserted*

" Ohh yess I do remember you but don't you live on the other side of the town? We met when yours and mind kindergarten schools combined our trip " I say... hoping that she is really as sweet as she was back then so maybe she can be my friend other than Nicholas who is a topic I don't want to think about now .

" You're right but I am getting transferred after your summer break off course. We're gonna have a blast... I can't believe we're reconnecting . My dad just got the transfer here he's the sheriff you know. "
She tells me

" I do friends?"
I say moving my hand forward for a shake .
What can I say I am kinda awkward to these things.

" We don't really need to say it . Off course we're friends. I'll see you later I have to get my documentation done for the transfer and I am sure you have class.
See you around Lia "
She rushes and waves a bye with a smile.

I get to class and the day goes on with me hoping that I can really be friends with her. Maybe my highschool life won't be pathetic.

Author's note

This is the first story I am writing.
Please give it a read. Criticism is appreciated in the comments but don't put any spoilers.
Bye  ♥️

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